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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. Definately the change of season, some people beat it by going away to a favourite hot getaway, or booking a room at a five star hotel for a weekend, going to a really fancy restaurant, but if you can"t afford that you can just lay around and masterbate incessantly.



  2. Yes we just have a big feast, usually a turkey, too much to drink big family affair, with grandparents etc, really quite fun. We just think about how fucking lucky we are.We don't really get halloween of though just kidding about that. The next long weekend for us is Rememberance day on Nov 11 when we just think about unlucky those guys were.

  3. Are things in fact going as bad in Iraq as the press keeps telling us?


    truth is somewhere in between wave.gif


    Right in actual fact the people are lining the streets in jubilation, the women are tearing off their clothes and offering themselves to the liberators just like Holland in WW2 the big one. The GI's are driving along in convoys tossing chocolate to the little kids.


    No one gets out alive.

  4. There was a company here that built them for people a while back. They used steel bands around the trunk of the tree as a "foundation" and then built from there. They didn't harm the tree at all. I saw a program on the tv about a guy that lived in one for years and while they were making the program the banding exploded and the tree house came tumbling down. The tree had grown in diameter over the years and out grew the banding. It was a beautiful house though.

  5. There hasn't been many original movies made in the last ten or so years, everything seems to be half assed remakes or movies of some good book. Too much cocaine not enough acid

  6. Komisar Vy sam. Vy s nimi s odnogo polya yagody kak i po politichiskom vyglyade tak i tem, kak Vy vzyali b i derzhali b svoyu silu, pusto govorya o ravenstom lyudej. the_finger.gif

    Yob tvoyu mat. Chinga tu madre. baisez votre mère


    olyhay uckfay eroylay otway ay uckingfay ickheadday wazzup.gif

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