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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. Why should a professor profit from someone's ignorance...


    Apparently no professor made any money on you...

  2. Thanks for the link. Reading the thread after the story gives me hope.


    Be careful - that's a classic technique for breaking down prisoners. They say or do something that gives you hope - then they crush it before your eyes. Then, they do it again, in some other way - they say or do something that causes you to think there may be hope. And then they crush it again. And they keep doing it, again, and again, and again, until you finally despair of ever feeling hope again. And then they do it some more. Eventually they destroy your soul.


    It's sadistic as Hell, and it's very effective.


    So don't let them make you feel hope, or they'll win.


    Ya I guess that is what happened when we all had hope in the last election and that went for a large caliber turd. Surely light breaks upon a happier time ahead? 597 days you say.

  3. This is all so embarrassing for you all. Don't you feel like a bunch of hicks being taken advantage of by a huckster at a second rate sideshow?

    Under normal circumstances someone would be getting their neck stretched. Somebody fucking impeach this dotard.

  4. Jan 1 2007 193 lbs

    June 1 2007 177 lbs

    July 3 2007 172 lbs

    I am going to coast for a month or two and add some whole grains and fruit, yogurt and stuff to the diet. See how that goes.

    I initially wanted to go down to about 165 which would be rake like for me but the more fat you loose it seems harder to for the pounds to drop.

  5. I am unable to perform anything of any consequence while high. Therefore my climbing partner enjoys watching me set up the tent which invariable takes a good hour. Mind you this is two tokes of cloned B.C. bud at it's best. This is the only time I will partake while climbing. When I know I will be lying down soon.

  6. To test for a load on the battery when the car is not running and everything is off, remove the negative battery cable and connect a voltmeter between the cable end and the negative terminal of the battery. ( you can also use a 12 volt bulb type tester connected the same way) If you measure a voltage or the bulb type tester lights up, then you have a load. The brighter the light or the higher the voltage is, the larger the load and the faster your battery will drain. Start unplugging fuses in your fuse box and when the light goes out or the voltmeter reads zero you will know what circuit to check for shorts or problems.

    To test the alternator Stick your voltmeter across the battery terminals when the engine is running and then turn on your headlights and heater fan to put a load on the alternator. The voltmeter should jump up to no more that 15 volts with the engine reving around 1200 rpm or so. If it does not then your alternator is pooched. You can buy rebuild kits for them for around 20 bucks if you want to save some money, but usually the rebuild is the way to go.

    Your battery should last way more than a year. If you drain a battery till it is dead too many times the sulfur particles in the electolite come out of solution and become lodged between the plates in the battery and this shorts them out causing a dead cell. You can sometimes equalize the battery by charging it at around 16 volts for a day or so and this will cause the solids to go back into solution. It is the shits when you can't trust your car to start at a trail head after four or five days in the bush. I carry a smaller gell cell battery in the back of my jeep just in case.

  7. Original 5/7 weigh-in: 138

    5/14 weigh-in: 136

    5/21 weigh-in: 133

    5/28 weigh-in: 130

    6/4 weigh-in: 130

    6/11 weigh-in: 130

    6/18 weigh-in: 130

    6/25 weigh-in: 131


    Today's weigh in is 130 lbs. Heading back in the right direction in spite of yesterday's Canada Day party where we got to experience many things from north of the border. Thank goodness for my 1 1/2 hour hike yesterday and the street hockey at the party. That sure burned some calories making up for the naimo (sp?) bars and all the other food!


    Were you in Nanaimo on Yesterday?

  8. I am down to 173 from 177 June first. Less than I expected but I should be down to below 170 by the end of June. I am probably eating 3 to 4 thousand calories a day, I am not counting. I had to change to whipping cream for my lattes. I had an omlette with bacon this morning. For lunch I had Mexican salami and Havarti cheese and salad. Tonight I had a huge chicken stirfry with onions green peppers celery and green beans I found out that black bean sauce is fairly low in carbs. Went to the show tonight and had 0 carbs gingerale and a chocolate bar. Less than 20 grams of carbs for the day and no hunger pangs, or any thoughts about wanting a snack or being hungry. Easy peasy.

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