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Posts posted by TREETOAD

  1. ]The original 5 books of the Torah were written during David's reign as a court apologetic. This is all heresy to fundamentalists of course.


    You don't know from Torah....really....you don't! Who taught you this was a fool.




    I need more scotch to continue......


    Please don't. Your seminary (oy!) or whatever ignorant training was at least partially a waste of time.





    what's with the rolling pins

  2. Short list of critical incidents in Pakistan since zero day of Bhutto's assassination:




    The total death toll in the country over the last three days of rioting stands at 38, with another 53 injured. According to Interior Ministry spokesman Javed Iqbal Cheema, rioters have torched as many as 174 banks, 370 cars and 765 shops in several cities. Railway stations and police stations have been damaged, and transportation has been brought to a standstill in the most volatile areas as Bhutto supporters have ordered cars and buses off the road to protest the assassination.




    * Four people were killed Dec. 29 in shootings in Karachi in Pakistan’s Sindh province, and two of the deaths are confirmed, Stratfor sources in the country said. Twenty-six people were wounded in shootings, and some were looters shot by the paramilitary Pakistan Rangers.


    * Stores in the Zamzama shopping district near Defense were looted and damaged.


    * Seven large fires were reported, one at a stadium close to the U.S. Consulate, and one large tire fire in the Korangi area that can be seen from at least 4 miles away and is producing significant smoke.


    * The Port of Qasim has been closed since the news of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s death.


    * Residents are afraid to leave their homes during the three-day mourning period after Bhutto’s death.


    * International flights and some domestic flights are operating in Karachi, and the route to the airport is secure during the day. The U.S. Embassy has prohibited its employees from taking domestic flights over the next few days.


    * Several shops tried to open Dec. 29, but angry crowds forced them to close.


    * The situation is “uncomfortable” for residents who do not have stockpiles of food.


    Sindh province


    * The National Highway in Sindh remains closed, and mobs are attacking and burning any vehicles traveling on that road, Stratfor sources in Pakistan said.


    * A shutterdown strike continues, enforced by mobs armed with Kalashnikov weapons.


    * Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority said some domestic flights will resume in the near future, and Pakistan International Airlines has resumed international flights to and from Karachi.


    * No city in Sindh has a curfew, although curfews remain an option, police said.


    * The army is present in the streets in the cities of Sukkur, Larkana, Badin, and Hyderabad. In Karachi, the army is only present in two neighborhoods.


    Naushahero Feroz


    * On the National Highway, 150 vehicles were torched.




    * Gun battles took place between the Sindhi and Mohajir communities, wounding eight people. The clashes occurred despite army presence in the streets.




    * Police and protesters clashed, at least 50 people were arrested, and one truck was torched.


    Almost as bad as the Rodney King riots of 92


    The riots, beginning in the evening after the verdict, peaked in intensity over the next two days, but would ultimately continue for several days. Continuous television coverage, especially by helicopter news crews, riveted the country and shocked viewers around the world. People watched as parts of the city went up in flames, stores were openly looted, innocent bystanders were beaten, and rioters shot at police. A curfew and deployment of California National Guard troops began to control the situation; eventually federal troops from the 7th Infantry Division in Fort Ord and United States Marines from the 1st Marine Division in Camp Pendleton would be sent to the city to quell disorder.


    Estimates of the number of lives lost during the unrest vary between 50 and 60, with as many as 2,000 people injured. Estimates of the material damage done vary between about $800 million and $1 billion. Approximately 3,600 fires were set, destroying 1,100 buildings, with fire calls coming once every minute at some points. About 10,000 people were arrested. Stores owned by Korean and other Asian immigrants were widely targeted, although stores owned by whites and blacks were also targeted. Despite the race riot image the event retains, much of the looting and violence was done by young men, mostly black, and much of the looting was opportunistic theft of luxury goods. Criminals used the chaos to their own benefit, and street gangs settled scores with each other and fought the police.



  3. I would bet the Bush crime family knew about it before it happened.


    This is one of the most irresponsible statement I've seen on this forum in some time (which is saying a lot since Dave Schuldt posts here). I hope you have an appreciation for your freedom to be so loose-lipped.


    Carry on.


    My son you must have been living in a canyon for the last few years

  4. Ham is the proper dinner. The largest pig was led into the hall, and placing their hands on it, all revelers made a wish. Then the pig was slaughtered, the wishes went straight to the gods, and everybody had ham feast.



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