So here are my thoughts.
I do not boldly state that I am smart. I do not have a degree in writing, hell I misspell words a lot. I screw up in my thoughts all the time, but……I am a climber. Instead of college and a “higher purpose”, I went climbing. I felt the outdoor experience, I lived in my van for over 1 year and traveled up and down the west coast and have met some of the kindest people around. Up until my child was born 4 months ago, I climbed up to 2 days a week for over 10 years. I am not the best climber or the boldest……but I climb.
Is there some hierarchy of online drivel that I have not been made aware of? Some of the chumps on this site slam me, make fun of me, call me out for my spelling and writing, but I NEVER here you comment on climbing. This is a climbing site, right?
Dechristo, you are smart and I enjoy your posting, but do you even climb? Seahawk, same question? Steven Segal…..same question? KK…..same?
At least G-spotter (how ever annoying) climbs. He does have knowledge of climbing. I have to show respect to him. Even if he is the most obsessed poster around.
Point is… my mind this is a climbing site, it would be nice if the obsessed (you know who you are) actually climbed and could contribute to climbing discussions instead of just spewing there intelligence of non related climbing drivel.
Spray is spray, and we all love to go there. Suggestion, go climbing!
Ok….enough babbling......