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Posts posted by OlegV

  1. My wife had it too (she is a runner), and she got rid of it by a brutal massage. A chiropractor massaged her foot with a big metal cylinder. Apparently, it breaks down the scar tissue in your tendon and regenerates the growth. It is a very painful procedure though.

  2. It just wouldn't go away no matter how long I taper myself. I think I developed it from the trail running and wearing wrong shoes. It hurt when I go downhill. I switched to biking but my foot still sores. Anyone got similar experiences? I tried ice, iboprofin and simple rest. It is still there. Thanks.


    We followed a trail for a short while traversing towards the Cascadian Couloir, then saw the slab and didn't like it. We climb back up about 200 ft and over the ridge down to the snowfield. After we crossed the snowfield, we followed a sandy trail all the way to the trees. In a little while we saw a trail dropping steep down. We decided to traverse right (climber's left) and ended up in the dense forest. At this point we had to downclimb bushes heading straight south - until we hit the Ingalls Trail.

    Any idea where we lost the exit from the couloir?



  4. Thanks fellas! Alex brought his new SLR digital camera and it worked great! We had two cameras, his big Pentax (for landscapes) and my compact cheap Canon (for actions).


    Reid was in a better shape than we expected - after all this snowfall and high avi danger. The entrance couloir was a potentially dangerous spot, especially at crevasse crossing:


    Higher up, conditions greatly improved. We encouneterd some thin sections of alpine ice and shallow snow:



    The best part is a final 500 ft of Reid - lots of ice climbing.



    We simulclimbed most of the way, although roping up wasn't necessary. We had not a single encounter of falling ice or avalanches. Except for the top of the Reid, the wind was zero. We topped out via the left variation of the West Crater rim - lots of loose snow. The rim ice at the summit ridge is all rotten and porous inside. Probably, the Yocum would be the same. Overall, it was one of the best Hood climbs in terms of conditions.

  5. Hey! Nice TR and pix! It was very nice meeting you, likewise! Forgive my oxygen-deprived brain, I got mixed up with the names. Were you Mike or Brian? A party of four? We did go all the way up the reid. Sweet conditions! The TR is coming. Alex got some nice pictures to show!

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