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Everything posted by kix

  1. bouldering is "real" climbing. "roped-rock climbers" engage in assisted dabbery.
  2. bouldering is practice for bouldering. everything else is for people who like to dork out with ropes.
  3. sorry, we just didn't think you did.
  4. bouldered all winter and spring. rain or shine. dry rock. 25 minutes from my house in Bellevue. I don't want to see anyone or their posse either.
  5. the problem with the memory of old people is often due to the fact that they are old people. what up with the beta off_white?
  6. are you hot?
  7. does Galen Kirkwood post here?
  8. hahahahahahaaaaaa and so it shall likely remain. boulderers are far more intelligent than to schlep some ridiculous distance just to climb some obscurity. my beer would be warm before I even got there. ---- I will have to re-tour cougar mtn. I have not hiked there since I started climbing.
  9. any other boulders? any good lines coming out from the overhangs?
  10. if you run past any big boulders, post up.
  11. how long is the hike to the 'trailhead' from the downed tree?
  12. no one has ever called middle earth a secret nor a new nirvana of bouldering. but it is one more place on the west side, closer to home with some good problems and more to be cleaned. obviously someone had climbed one or two bits there in the past, likely on top rope since we found a bolt when we rolled back the 6 inch carpet of moss on the main boulder close to the road. But many V4+ problems that we developed had never been touched before. We took the time to develop a trail, to avoid the place getting trampled and overrun, clean some problems and I have willingly shared the info when contacted. Although I do think that posting the info freely on the web is a bit inconsiderate. Everyone likes a good word of mouth find. I do not have an FA agenda, I just climb on rocks. yes there is a lot of good stone in the sky valley. I'm having a great time exploring and finding new stuff weekly. I think many people would like to see lots more bouldering options and areas getting developed near Seattle. But in a conscious and responsible manner. I think I've done my part. what have you done beyond some whining like someone left out on a secret and then get all sour graped? Middle Earth borders private land and I am always careful to point it out to climbers and it is clearly indicated on my topos. As for myself, I have not been there much recently, enjoying Lworth etc..., but I think it is a good spot to spend some time and climb some new stuff. cheers.
  13. I've posted your girlfriends pics and number around the web since you don't seem to care about that sort of stuff. anyone desiring Middle Earth beta can email me at kixrox2003@yahoo.com. I authored the topo's. some pics are on 0-friction with my email. There are private property concerns. There is good stuff there, 20+ problems, with much more to be cleaned and developed, and more to be found. Moss can be a problem, it grows back pretty quickly in there, so bring a big brush. the place is season dependent. summer and fall the best. needs 3 days to dry post rain. the place needs traffic and more development by considerate people.
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