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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. I usually fight to keep my mouth shut unless I see someone about to do something really, really foolish. Then I might say "You know, you'll want to keep your brake hand on the rope when belaying" or "You probably already know this, but your 30m rope's not going to be long enough for that route." Or whatever. I don't want to be one of those people who's always offering unsolicited advice, but sometimes you've just got to say something.

  2. AR_Guy,


    There is way more to trad climbing than "find a crack and climb it". I'm sure you have the best intentions but would suggest you actually try some more trad climbing and in general get way, way more experience under your belt before even thinking about bolting new lines. How about availing yourself of several more years of climbing existing lines to gain the sort of experience and yardage necessary to make informed decisions and choices in such matters.


    It doesn't sound like AR_Guy is actually planning on bolting any routes. It sounds to me like he's just wondering how experienced climbers go about it. It's a reasonable question, and maybe if he's lucky someone will give him an informed answer, rather than letting this turn into yet another ethics debate.

  3. Route finding (and getting lost sometimes) is one of the best things about climbing anywhere. I didn't look too hard at the arrows Ivan's talking about, but from just a casual glance they looked like they weren't scratched in too deep. A few minutes determined work with the side of a rock would probably obliterate them, though maybe there's a cleverer way to do it?

  4. The best rock near Portland, anyway! And many fine belay ledges for philosophizing and singing Irish folk songs (thanks again for that, Eric).


    Now if we can just find the cretin who's been vandalizing this craggers' paradise with his traffic symbols...

  5. Actually I just heard on the news that Japan and France have pitched in some aid as well as corporations such as Disney and Nike.


    I'm sure Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro will be sending aid next.

  6. It's the Trail of Domes, which will culminate no doubt in the Metrodome.


    Seriously, though, this is pretty sad. Of course it's the poorest folks that are getting hit the hardest.

  7. Dan, where are you going climbing over Labor Day w/e?


    Not sure. I was planning on going camping with some friends, but we'll see. Maybe Smith.


    Hope you get a partner for your Idaho expedition - looks like some sweet rock. I'd like to check that place out sometime.

  8. It was surprisingly easy to get banned from minnesotaclimbing.com. Say what you will about them, Chaps & Co. don't enable internet adddiction.


    Not to drift the thread, but maybe we should go over there again and get banned again.


    It was like shooting lutefisk in a barrel.

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