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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. It's one thing to see a video of someone's throat being cut in the act. It's altogether another thing to see soldiers posing for a picture in which they may or may not be the killers.


    The distinction between the two might be fairly slight in some parts of the world. Whether you condone these images or condemn them, you have to agree they have the potential to work as powerful propaganda images for terrorist recruiters.

  2. "It's not as bad as Caligula putting his horse in the Senate." - Richard Brookhiser, National Review


    Maybe the horse was more qualifed than the average senator romanus? yellaf.gif


    Suetonius, the source for most of the wacky stories about the Caesars, says that Caligula merely intended to make his favorite horse consul. It didn't actually happen. Whatever. It was a long time ago.

  3. I didn't say people shouldn't think for themselves.


    I just meant that building a relationship with a spiritual mentor doesn't necessarily mean shopping around for the priest with the best cirriculum vitae.

  4. Most people I know who go to church or otherwise participate in an religious community don't seem to think about a priest's or pastor's qualifications in these kind of terms (years of schooling, certificates, whatever). I think a person who trusts someone enough to seek counseling is basing that trust on something less tangible than a diploma. And I don't think that's a bad thing at all.

  5. Knock knock...

    ...who's there?

    Johnny train...

    ...johnny train who?

    Johnny train's the baby in the house!


    WTF is that????????


    That's a four-year-old with a finely developed sense of the absurd, that's what it is.

  6. In his Senate office, on a shelf next to an autographed baseball, Sen. Rick Santorum keeps a framed photo of his son Gabriel Michael, the fourth of his seven children. Named for two archangels, Gabriel Michael was born prematurely, at 20 weeks, on Oct. 11, 1996, and lived two hours outside the womb.


    Upon their son's death, Rick and Karen Santorum opted not to bring his body to a funeral home. Instead, they bundled him in a blanket and drove him to Karen's parents' home in Pittsburgh. There, they spent several hours kissing and cuddling Gabriel with his three siblings, ages 6, 4 and 1 1/2. They took photos, sang lullabies in his ear and held a private Mass.



  7. Miles Davis can almost be thought of as several musicians, rather than one. He was constantly remaking himself and moving from one style to another. He never stood still. Every albumn is different from the one before it. If you don't like one of them, chances are you'd like some of the others.




    His final project "Doo Bop" is a good example of this.



    Except that no one liked that album, as far as I know. That's the one with the terrible rapping, right?

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