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Posts posted by Ireneo_Funes

  1. Up to now, we have considered the estrangement, the alienation of the worker, only from one aspect – i.e., the worker’s relationship to the products of his labour. But estrangement manifests itself not only in the result, but also in the act of production, within the activity of production itself. How could the product of the worker’s activity confront him as something alien if it were not for the fact that in the act of production he was estranging himself from himself? After all, the product is simply the resumé of the activity, of the production. So if the product of labour is alienation, production itself must be active alienation, the alienation of activity, the activity of alienation. The estrangement of the object of labour merely summarizes the estrangement, the alienation in the activity of labour itself.
  2. There's an interesting precedent for the response to nomination. Apparently LBJ also nominated a candidate that was perceived to have few qualifications outside of being an LBJ crony, and his own party prevented the nomination from going forward.


    There was more to it than that. But what is it with Texans and their damn cronies?

  3. Can't believe no one wants the Smeagol/Gollum role.


    Nassty Hobbitses, with their camses and slingses and bolt anchorses! We hates them, yes we do, my precious!


    No, we loves them! Smeagol loves the nice hobbits and all their shiny hardware!

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