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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. What you call guilt is also known as having a sense of fucking history so we don't repeat the same fucking "mistakes". But it's hard to feel the proper amount of personal guilt if you read a lot of history, because history teaches us that actually mankind in general is pretty fucked up. If I were trying to raise a humanist or something, this would be a good idea. However, I'm really trying to cultivate a proper "America sucks and everyone else is better" attitude in my children, so it's actually quite important to not teach them world history. I'm a big fan of teaching them American history, though -- but only the bad parts. The beauty of being a progressive is that you can always find "mistakes" to harp on incessantly. We have always fucked up and are fucking up today. And not just a little - to the most extreme point imaginable. Everything is broken and it all needs fixed. Just put the appropriate avatar pic in your profile, and you can be a progressive hand-wringer too!
  2. And the 2nd progressiguiltismymiddlenametard appears right on cue...
  3. Well, you need to get your card-carrying credentials in progressive hyperbolic myopia first, then you'll be good to go. I understand the key is to create the impression that not only has America done terrible things to people, but that nobody else has -- it's vital they believe that cruelty and selfishness are an American trait, not a human one. One must also transcend the banality of accepting that things are imperfect, that faults and problems must be weighed in relative terms. Either everything is perfect, or it is fatally flawed, and while fatally flawed we must wring our hands endlessly, bemoaning the status quo, "oh the humanity!".
  4. Well, you need to get your card-carrying credentials in progressive hyperbolic myopia first, then you'll be good to go.
  5. You're too young to remember that commercial, Rob! :-)
  6. Nevermind that the national median in the USA is not equivalent to Buglaria... Malta... oh, never mind.
  7. word is, he was really pissed about FB's IPO
  8. We took a 60 and I think you need it for the first proper pitch. The raps were less than a full rope length.
  9. Your utter ignorance speaks for itself. Your complete hypocrisy speaks for itself.
  10. Speaking of permanent desecration of rock - how about that Valley of the Kings? Nature was reclamining it until some yahoos decided to dig out and display that eye sore again!
  11. I plan to, but not necessarily as a priority. More of a backup for a climb bailage or wait until next May when I want something easy early season.
  12. Well at least I could find something to agree with kooky buckaroo on.
  13. Even on lowly mailbox peak... there's little reflective diamonds every 10 feet nailed onto a tree (so you can find your way down in the dark).
  14. spray will never die
  15. I bring a BD #8 on every climb and usually place it (often at a belay anchor). Sometimes I bring a 7 and/or 9. 10 and 11 are only if the route takes gear to 3" and 4" respectively. I don't go lower than a #7
  16. Has anyone done these? There's not much info on them and I'm thinking of checking them out.
  17. Melville rules!
  18. Duck and cover! Incoming!
  19. There will 500 Mounties, boe-alps, and WAC students there. Best to avoid the place this w/e.
  20. Only if you serve it up with some beta! dyno to the double crimper then heel hook on the 5.8d roof.
  21. would you like some cheese with your whine?
  22. shit i missed those too! ;-)
  23. The thread was funny but at one guy's expense, and with a severe dog pile mentality. Not saying he did not ask for it, but still, ugly.
  24. In general I agree Feck. But you participated in this Mt. Fury thread. You posted in it several times throughout the day.
  25. Mountain House is bad enough, for example, but adding habanero pepper sauce is not a good idea.
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