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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. It would have to be an impartial judge... I'm thinking Punxsatawny Phil. Maybe fling some mummfied cat innards and see who they pick?
  2. Quick delete there Rainpuppy! How about this stat: TRs: 0 'nuf said!!
  3. Hey, cool! 16 hrs for both - not bad!!
  4. somewhere around obama's inauguration - mere coincidence? i think not! I thought it more directly coincided with Romney clinching, hmm....
  5. BTW, Professor Rainpuppy, nobody said YOU take LSD, or are a cannibal, it is a joke linking stories in spray threads. I know, it's beyond you to comprehend, but thought I'd spell it out for you as your vast intellect seems to be unable to fathom this concept.
  6. Who said anything about a bolt kit? A wire brush is useful to clean out the dirt from that part of the crack to put pro in a few spots where otherwise you'd have nothing. A chock pick can work too. Have YOU climbed it recently?
  7. I hear if you take enough LSD you'll not only cut bolts on Garfield, you'll chew the dessicated flesh of the mummy in KV 60 There was once a rule about personal attacks by which you should rightly be banned on this site. If you can't offer much more than that, and if you can't stick to addressing climbing, perhaps you should get lost. Obviously you've been reading about my discoveries, but you have no respect. What you wrote above was disgusting. [An explanation: KV 60 is the name of a tomb I rediscovered, as a professional archaeologist with permission from the Egyptian government, in an ancient cemetery, the Valley of the Kings. The tomb contained a mummy whom the Egyptians have identified as a very famous ruler of Egypt. Here, KaskadskyjKozak seems to link my climbing ethics involving drastically limiting bolts, with taking LSD, with one of my career highlights. Again, what you wrote above is disgusting.] P.S. 14,979 posts? And I need a life???? Cut those bolts! Dig out the rock that was raped a few thousand years ago - THAT'S OK Seriously, you are a major broken record, with no sense of irony yet alone humor, but hey, post some pics of the dude on the via ferrata and some pics of BLT's now!
  8. Keep making shit up, so we will not be surprised. And honestly, John Birch? You are dating yourself you old coot.
  9. I'm having some rye whisky in your honor sobo yes, thank you, I will indeed help myself to another
  10. you think way too much dude! weird, I had drawn the exact opposite conclusion
  11. Eugenics, eh? I bet prole would support that. His type always has.
  12. Prole's still upset that nobody would invite him to their Memorial Day BBQ. (I wonder why that would be?)
  13. You've changed the world today, prole.
  14. I don't remember anybody saying any of those things. Are you having an imaginary conversation? It's easier to make yourself look good if you make up both sides of the argument. It's the norm for prole and j-b. It's OK they (unlike the rest of us) 'get it', and only they "care". BTW, fuck your 4% contribution to children's charities, Prole feels it and his endless crusade on cc.com has so much more impact.
  15. I think the argument was that they aren't *as* poor, but you know, whatever Of that if you increase their assistance, then the poverty stats that prole and j_b get to fling around don't show any difference (improvement).
  16. Yep, you're losing badly.
  17. you've sure done your part prole. Good job comrade. Now pat yourself on the back and treat yourself to an organic veggie smoothie.
  18. So if we double the funding for these programs, the poverty rate remains the same. And progressives can still whine as much about how bad it is, as if nothing got better.
  19. It's not enough to agree there are problems! You have to mock patriotism first (or anyone happier than you), then fervently wring your hands, then act all smug and self-righteous.
  20. Start with your thread title. You are a smug whiny progressive and you damn well know it. Most of the weekend involved people just enjoying a day off with friends and family. Patrio-ejacula? Get a life.
  21. Even the poor find more positive things about their lives than j_b or Prole. That's the ultimate irony.
  22. It's OBSCENE! Oh, the humanity. Feel the guilt. Prole demands it!
  23. So outta space!
  24. You mean like a few people complaining about paint on Slesse only to be pissed on by an anti-bolt zealot?
  25. I hear if you take enough LSD you'll not only cut bolts on Garfield, you'll chew the dessicated flesh of the mummy in KV 60
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