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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Yeah, the DIFFERENCE is efficacy. Efficacy in health insurance is not much different than with vaccines - you have to hit the largest percentage of the population possible to really be effective. When large numbers of people opt-out they are just screwing themselves, they're screwing everyone. And that's the reason for the mandate, we need to have every single citizen in the pool; how that's best accomplished can be debated, letting people opt-out without relatively severe penalties can't be allowed under any circumstance. Again, as far as I'm concerned trying to weave this universal fabric over our entirely corrupt, for-profit, million-payers system of insurers / [large] providers is an entirely sub-optimal hack which leaves the system as corrupt as it was beforehand and achieves no benefits of scale. It's the reason why you can opt-out of public education by sending your kid to private schools, but your still going to be paying for public schools. Libs are so cute when they show their authoritarian colors.
  2. You only get to "choose" not to have health care, if the rest of us get to "choose" to let you die in the street like a rat. BS. Who dies in the street like a rat? Hyperbole does not make your argument, it just makes your argument stupid. Do you think that fellow who got his face chewed off was insured? Did he die like a rat? No, he was treated and is being treated and will undergo multiple surgeries. There are many valid arguments about what is wrong with our current health care system; your comment is not one of them.
  3. Just as fake an argument.
  4. Not everyone's Yeah everyone's -- some people just can't smell it. Asparagus goes quite nicely with Gruner Veltliner, BTW
  5. NTTAWWT sickie
  6. Not everyone's
  7. right, so either we import produce picked at slaves' wages in 3rd world countries or we import slaves to work here as 2nd-classes citizens!
  8. what do you expect, the federal government basically makes it illegal for kids to work. Kids hate asparagus anyways
  9. Ty ye i zavzhdy budesh zloy sobaka ta kurvyn syn, ktho havkaye bez rozumu, prychyny. Oc' i vse, pol'skyj zasranec'. Zakryj svoye ohydke rylo uzhe.
  10. Ya got me. Wait wait! I want to ride the funny train with the Polish Bastard. Hmmm, how can I slightly modify his username with some bad words? Nothing too clever....I've got it! Your new name, senor, is AssholePiss. I wanted to go with Realdumbpieceoffeces, but that doesn't flow as well. Having a "conversation" with AssholePiss is like trying to clap with one hand.
  11. Americans would pick crops for a decent wage. Since that's not offered, we just use slave-labor instead, and justify it with excuses! so where do you shop, your local farmers market? If not STFU, most people complain about the high cost. That is why they prefer to buy shit that is made in china and sold in wallmart. If you'd be about decent wage, you'd support unions. For now you are supporting republican pukes, who feed the public bullshit about no tax paying "job creators". No, fuck face, YOU STFU for once.
  12. Americans would pick crops for a decent wage. Since that's not offered, we just use slave-labor instead, and justify it with excuses!
  13. Smart.
  14. Right! You want to get stuff for free! TANSTAAFL, boner
  15. GGK proposes mass murder? No surprise here, sadly enough.
  16. Who was wrong? The guys that all thought Roberts would be a lock-step conservative voting exactly like predicted by lefties? You should thank Bush for his nomination!
  17. The average is skewed by kevbone. Could you reevaluate without that outlier?
  18. Ewe wouldn't want ewer new friend to run away baa fixed that for ewe
  19. Dragontail. I think it's the NE couloir.
  20. GGK should post a review of the various gloves and boots he's personally used in the Gear Critic.
  21. Were you humming Wagner as you topped out? Nice one!
  22. And there you have it: more authentic frontier gibberish
  23. Can't we all just get along?
  24. please move this thread back to /dev/null thanks
  25. Is that what you mean by "self-regulatory decorum"?
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