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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you are finished talking, type RET twice. The fact that 47 PEOPLE are yelling and sweat is cascading down my SPINAL COLUMN is fairly enjoyable!! Is it because 47 people are yelling and sweat is cascading down your spinal column is fairly enjoyable that you came to me? If I felt any more SOPHISTICATED I would DIE of EMBARRASSMENT! This is not a healthy way of thinking. I'm having a RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE.. and I don't take any DRUGS Why do you say and you do not take any drugs? Am I in GRADUATE SCHOOL yet? Tell me about your school. ..Are we having FUN yet...? Earlier you said 47 people are yelling and sweat is cascading down your spinal column is fairly enjoyable? It's OKAY --- I'm an INTELLECTUAL, too. Maybe your plans have something to do with this. Jesus is my POSTMASTER GENERAL.. Is it because of your life that you say jesus is your postmaster general? A GRAM?? A BRAM... A GROOM... A BROOM... Oh, Yeh!! Wash the ROOM!! ...
  2. Exactly. Think of protests where protestors refuse to leave - sitting or laying in place. The police have to handcuff or hog-tie each person one by one and *carry* them to a paddy wagon. They don't repeatedly shock them with tasers, whack them with nightsticks, or whatever. That's not what we want as a society.
  3. take the cables off and people will still try it... and probably more will die.
  4. yur sew dumm
  5. It's so American to blow everything out of proportion. One person dies, and suddenly there's a huge, glaring safety issue. Reminds me of the armchair analysts a few years back when there was a string of deaths on Lib Ridge calling for that route to be "closed" to *all* climbers.
  6. the monk bought lunch
  7. keep your homoerotic fantasies to yourself, Hot Carl
  8. What does this mean? I dont speak idiot! STFU, nOOb!
  9. "words... mean... things"... now you're quoting Limbaugh!
  10. Funny how all you ex-communists are the biggest advocaters of social Darwinism..... WTF are you talking about, dipshit? I've never set foot in a communist country, yet alone been a kommunyak. As for social Darwinists - the true irony are Godless worshipers of almight science and evolution... who reject social Darwinism.
  11. sounds like it's all about "you, you, you"
  12. sameshitdifferentday
  13. Here's your solution.
  14. We *are* all marked for death.
  15. It is more expensive, but HIGHER quality, than NO health care at all...which is the amount of health care coverage a large number of working people currently have. Keep up the socialist mantra, tovarish. Hillarycare was such a success in 1992; I'm sure it'll be a win this time around too.
  16. Nationalized health care will be more expensive and lower quality. Only an utter fool would actually believe otherwise.
  17. Not if she keeps talking about Health Care.
  18. A Republican, or another RINO?
  19. millimeters for Dru
  20. SFTU, nOOb
  21. and yet gays want it. WTF?
  22. shh! we need to focus exclusively on the variety that ended in the U.S. 140 years ago. it's such a useful tool for demagoguery and politics of divisiveness. that message would be watered down by contemporary examples.
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