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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. "pull my finger, and I make stinky"
  2. it has to be her developers. they've kidnapped her and will not let her post on this dorky climbing site. some sysadmin has probably shut down access to the cc.com IP address. we need to liberate her somehow.
  3. Wow, you can read minds across great distances! Amazing! Does that come as a fringe benefit with "enlightenment"?
  4. People don't like change. Deal with it. Instead of attacking, lead.
  5. Not quite. Some acts might have more impact, and some less. It's a matter of looking at the impact in the aggregate. And cutting back, might not mean cutting out completely. For example, I might climb at Snoqualmie Pass more and Washington Pass less. I might buy replacement gear less often, rather than not at all, and buy used more often or rent/borrow more (although the latter might involve driving to pick up and drop off...).
  6. We agree! BTW, I think taking some steps to curb our consumption would do us good as human beings NO MATTER WHAT. Americans are very wasteful, and it is not good for us. We need to start to change our culture. And I repeat there has to be some low-hanging fruit that we could implement a fix for RIGHT NOW with a reasonable cost and good ROI.
  7. Remember the 3 Ds of Opposition chuck Disformation, Deny, Delay who's opposing, you assholes! give me a plan that works! I'm ready. You guys don't want to actually DO anything, you just want another wedge issue to get "your guys" in office.
  8. We can change this if you want. It will be more interesting if "we" does not include "Kevbone" +1
  9. YOU read too much into the argument, buddy. Let's say the rest of the world continues on and does NOTHING, but the US acts as a "leader", and institutes a program to reduce CO2 emissions. Quantify what that sacrifice would be, how much it would cost and what the effect actually would be. Give a range of plans with different costs and benefits, and propose it. Jumping up and down like a child screaming the "sky is falling" doesn't help. Use that scientific method you claim to love so much, and bundle it with some math and good reasoning, if you can. I think there is low hanging fruit which would cost little and reduce emissions. Start there.
  10. What a bunch of BS.....none of these will do a bit of good unless we can get the Chinese to fart less What a bunch of BS indeed. The liberal answer is always meaningless gestures with no analysis or number crunching. Drive less? How much less? If 50% of americans drive 25% less, what will the effect be on the delta in temperature change, ceteris paribus. If you tell me 0.05 degrees over 40 years, well is it worth it? You have to hit the big items first, and make sure the sacrifice/cost of each is worth the benefit. And does drive less mean less climbing? Less expensive ski vacations, too? And I'll throw in again that a lot of this debate from the left is expressed in dire terms: "looming disaster", "catastrophe", etc. If there is a looming disaster, then wouldn't that require HUGE sacrifices? Something beyond stupid little slogans about taking the bus more? Or is this alarmist rhetoric simply a propaganda tool by some nutcases?
  11. I'm sorry Hillary will fix all that within days of her inauguration. McCain had a chance, until he found Jesus Political reality in the US. I hated it when Lieberman starting toeing the Dem party line; I liked Obama, but he'll do the same. Giuliani has jumped on the religion talking points just like McCain. It's all lame.
  12. If you can convince people that it will not cost them that much, they might not care. If you could convince people that certain changes actually *improve* their lives, irrespective of the question at hand, they might not care either. There are ways. Most people are sheeple, anyways. However, this only applies to the US. I also (more importantly) had in mind the WORLD in general. As underdeveloped nations become industrialized, how in the hell do we convince them to curb their carbon emissions? "We've got ours, you can't have yours" doesn't go over too well.
  13. I'm sorry Hillary will fix all that within days of her inauguration.
  14. Real Debate? That's the greatest delusion of all. Unskilled an unawares describes the cc.com conservative crew the real debate is what CAN we do about global warming (slow, stop or reverse it?) how much will it cost, how we will get everyone to participate, and just how much sacrifice people will actually make, you smug, condescending POS.
  15. Europe is far more dependent on Middle East Oil than the US is.
  16. THIS is post of the year!
  17. Yeah, keep changing the subject of REAL debate.
  18. I noticed.
  19. Indeed! To wit, check out this picture of Bush and Kevboner. The resemblance is uncanny!
  20. Very interesting…..did we attack back? I personally do not think if they attacked a building on their soil…..it is the same as attacking us here in the USA…..Come on dude…..you are grasping at straws…… Them attacking a building in their country in 1979 supports the need to bomb the shit out of the today? WTF? read. don't post!
  21. Embassies are sovereign territory of a given country. I'm not sure you were alive, at the time, but there was a little thing back in '79 where our embassy was attacked and hostages were taken. I'd consider that an attack on our country; you may not, but you'd be wrong. noliquidity - Maybe you missed the part where GWB sent a letter imploring Pelosi to abandon her pursuit of this resolution, at this time. Further, Nancy Pelosi is not one to go helping the Republicans (remember her little visit to Syria?).
  22. my oldest and youngest were born in October
  23. fuck the past; i live for today. coke is it! naw, good ole C2H5OH will suffice for me.
  24. fuck the past; i live for today.
  25. Oh whoops….my bad….I forgot about that last time Iran attacked the USA…..wait….Google cant find anything about an attack by Iran……Google must be wrong because you are “big boy” playing in the big boy sand box….. Guess…..I will go and complain about how you made fun of me in Café sensitivo…… Boo hoo hoo….. So when is Mr. Bush going to attack Iran? Kevboner: post less; read and learn more.
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