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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Congrats, Kevboner, you actually started a good thread for once!
  2. it's a marginal rate. 44% of income above a certain amount.
  3. so, you've tried snails, but don't like them so much.
  4. Yeah, like you stop every time someone is standing by a crosswalk. Suuuuuure. Actually, yes, I do. So off.
  5. Sport climber/trad climber... I hear builder206 likes both snails and oysters. oops, wrong thread.
  6. I don't know what part of "I'm ignoring you" trashtalkingkong doesn't get. Boy he's dumber than a bucket of shit.
  7. I can't believe how leftie, America-hating lawyers want to completely tie the hands of our government to deal with murdering scum. It's not just about waterboarding. YOU want to treat these guys like US citizens with full rights to an attorney, and a court system, as if international terrorism is "just a crime" and these guys are equal to US citizens. Sorry, they aren't.
  8. We're not like you. Thank God.
  9. I don't know about "our" distaste, but it seems that bombing people from space is politically more salable than torturing people. I don't know... seems like the appeal of Dirty Harry was how he was willing to step over rules to get done what needed to be done (e.g. shooting a sick murderer in the leg, than stepping on the wound until said perp gave up the whereabouts of a girl said perp had raped, tortured, and killed). If there's another terrorist attack on the US, you'll see a lot of things become more "politically salable".
  10. "From the day I plunged you in the river to give you life, I loved you as I loved the steppes. You were my pride! I gave you life. It is on me to take it away from you."
  11. Remember when Reagan bombed Qaddafi's home/complex whatever, and killed some of his wives/children. That shut the f***er up for a while, didn't it?
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    what proportions? whatever you like. i used to drink Jaeger and Rumpleminze in 1:1 mix. It's been years though. I'd have to try out some different combos with the OJ... it would be a lot weaker, that is for sure. Jager and Chamborg 1:1 hmmm....
  13. I have a plastic flask with a plastic shotglass top. It's pretty classy. Who said anything about schleppin' the bottle along? Put the tasty beverage in a dromedary bag. Or buy the Tefft Cellars boxed cab/merlot blend and pull the bag out of the box. As you drink it, the bag compresses. Voila! No extra volume wasted in the pack. Yeeesh, 'kirk, you really are an amateur. And I had such high hopes for you. :tsk: :tsk: :tsk: plastic airplane bottles lexan cup
  14. ack - this one bugs me, and it's google-proof - i keep getting mental images of the wicked step sister from shrek or the bar-tenders in bill n' teds, but niether is right - gimme a clue! clue... it's getting to be the time of year for the film.
  15. Every day I walk on Seattle streets. There are marked crosswalks that idiot a-hole drivers ignore. Hey, a-hole: STOP for pedestrians at marked crosswalks. Get it? Thanks.
  16. http://www.johnforester.com/Articles/Social/natattit.htm BS. It's all Bush's fault. If it wasn't for the War for Oil in Irak, we could be putting that money into driver education and we would be able to reduce the needless slaughter of Innocent Americans on Our Highways. we don't need to educate drivers. if you can't drive properly, you haven't earned the privelege of a license. WA drivers: here's a clue for the day - when merging onto a freeway, you want to accelerate to within 5 mph of the speed of the traffic. Going 25 mph on a freeway onramp when the traffic is moving at 55 just doesn't cut it.
  17. where does interrogation end, and "torture" begin
  18. "Hey look, mister - we serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast, and we don't need any characters around to give the joint "atmosphere". Is that clear, or do I have to slip you my left for a convincer?"
  19. hilarious. NOT.
  20. it depends on what you define as torture. as we've discussed before - some of the left-wingers are saying that making things "uncomfortable" for prisoners is torture, or threats to them (you'll never get out of here, your family is dead, whatever). There are gray areas, and I think some of the stuff cited as torture is NOT, and does work.
  21. KaskadskyjKozak


    what proportions? whatever you like. i used to drink Jaeger and Rumpleminze in 1:1 mix. It's been years though. I'd have to try out some different combos with the OJ... it would be a lot weaker, that is for sure.
  22. nice quote... with no source attribution. I'd say the single largest cause of accidents to American DRIVERS in "car-car" collisions are the incompetence of drivers. We could kill two birds with one stone - less accidents, and less traffic/CO2 emissions by making it harder to GET and KEEP a driver's license.
  23. it works? great, then I'm for it! I think the point is - it doesn't work, though. Sorry, V7.
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    and whoever ripped on tanqueray before is right... i'm afraid I bought some at the duty free last summer because of the price, and regretted it immediately. Bombay Sapphire rules. Period.
  25. KaskadskyjKozak


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