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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. KaskadskyjKozak


    That's when I visited. We were on the "dry" side of Hawai for 5 days - no rain. On Kauaui, had one rainy day out of 4.
  2. KaskadskyjKozak


    Been to the big Island and Kauaui. I liked the Volcano Park on Hawaii, but other than that I have to say that Kauaui rules. Take a cruise around Na Pali, snorkel in Poipu. take a drive up to see the canyon. Lots of good stuff.
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    It's Rammstein... Mein Teil... it's relevent to the direction the drift was going
  4. vd is nothing to clap about she's got the jack
  5. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  6. let's chat about valence shell electron pair repulsion theory
  7. can he take Hillary and Jon Edwards with him?
  8. let me tell you all about wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets. i'm an expert.
  9. why don't you post some stuff, and I can nitpick your typos and call you a dumbass
  11. I keep smelling a waft of shit-odor, then I realize TTK is posting. Fortunately, I have a virtual "stick up" called an ignore filter to help mask the stench.
  12. actually, in a sense yes. the Bush Doctrine has won - even the D's have to support it. Well "have" to because they are spineless, power-hungry losers.
  13. keep trolling...
  14. Yes, you will always have a scapegoat. A convenient security blanket and pacifier all rolled up into one.
  15. once more for good measure Sorry, I only believe stuff that is posted on "Crooks and Liars". Do you have a link handy?
  16. "There you go again..." Jimmy Carter era optimism!
  17. Where is the Audacity of Hope, my friend? I think Obamalamadingdong needs to give you some remedial counseling.
  18. I can't help but note the irony of this statement considering our current situation thanks to your champion candidate. Well, gee, I thought the D's had all the answers, and will fix all that is wrong. It's nice to have a scapegoat in Bush, then you always have an excuse, I guess.
  19. You seem a lot sensitive about this subject. Guess you were fooled again, sucker. Oh, and go lick sack.
  20. Pelosi has made a lot of strides, I've noticed. Not.
  21. Hillary will fix that. Not.
  22. no wind at all this morning. we'll see about tonight.
  23. and this was the first time I hit that problem... guess the temps have to be below 30. the sun and clear sky were gorgeous today. the views of the Olympics just friggin rocked.
  24. KaskadskyjKozak


    This is a legitimate question and is currently under review in some states. Rather interesting. I started reading more about this after that guy who requested that he be eaten and killed (in that order--he was served a bit of his own scrotum/testes while still alive) and found the guy who wanted to do that. So they did. So sure, it's murder. But the guys requested it. Same thing with necrophilliacs, except there is no murder involved. Heute treff' ich einen Herrn Der hat mich zum Fressen gern Weiche Teile und auch harte stehen auf der Speisekarte Denn du bist was du isst und ihr wisst was es ist Es ist mein Teil – nein Mein Teil – nein Da das ist mein Teil – nein Mein Teil – nein Die stumpfe Klinge gut und recht Ich blute stark und mir ist schlecht Muss ich auch mit der Ohnmacht kämpfen ich esse weiter unter Krämpfen Ist doch so gut gewürzt und so schön flambiert und so liebevoll auf Porzellan serviert Dazu ein guter Wein und zarter Kerzenschein Ja da lass ich mir Zeit Etwas Kultur muss sein Denn du bist was du isst Und ihr wisst was es ist Es ist mein Teil – nein Mein Teil – nein Denn das ist mein Teil – nein Yes it's mein Teil – nein Ein Schrei wird zum Himmel fahren Schneidet sich durch Engelsscharen Vom Wolkendach fällt Federfleisch auf meine Kindheit mit Gekreisch
  25. Speaking of biking, the ride today was brutal. And there was even some gnarly black ice to avoid.
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