I also find it bizarre how every location has its own "rules" - even when they fall under the same ultimate jurisdiction. For example, in MRNP (NPS), the permit system is based by total number of climbers - so there are say 100 slots open at Camp Muir (or whatever the # is), not based on the # of *parties*. But at Boston Basin, Torment, Forbidden, Triumph x-country zone - etc, all of which are managed by the NPS as well, the quotas are based by # of parties, irrespective of size. In the Olympics you can register for permits a month out (Flapjack Lakes, Glacier Meadows) - in NOCA... nope, one night prior - unless you are a guide service. Then there are some places where the maximum party size is 6 and others where it is 12. Then you switch over to the NFS and get different rules and different registration systems (e.g. the Enchantments).