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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Keep the system and rates as they are for now, cut spending, and when we have a surplus again, cut all the marginal rates more. Repeat.
  2. Yeah, OK, but threads evolve. Similarities: 1) imperialism f**ked up the world (French in Vietnam, Brits in Iraq) 2) there's no good way out 3) threat of post war violence in the region (Cambodia vs. Kurds/Shia/Sunnis/Iran/Turkey)
  3. Your premise was that they weren't more dangerous. It seems clear that Iran is close to completing a nuclear reactor, but they claim it is for non-military purposes. The stance of countries with nukes is to not allow proliferation to new nations. Even with nuclear power plants, one has to ask whether it constitutes a threat? It is hard to prove that Iran has military intentions, and it might be impossible to do until it is too late. And then what? Would deterrence be enough? I guess in principle I am for non-proliferation, but I don't see how we can force it. It makes the evaluation of "threat" a lot easier, that's for sure.
  4. Yes, I'm glad he is gone. But the stage is set for a revolution with a political power vacuum, ethnic strife, chaos, and neighboring countries either worried or licking their lips with the promise of booty to be gained. Our presence is the only thing holding anything together, but, as you say, the cost is high.
  5. The FAQ link on the site provides some answers to the questions you raise.
  6. Should we allow nuclear proliferation to occur?
  7. I agree with Colin Powell morally - "you buy it, you break it". But I don't know if we can put Humpty Dumpty back together again. I also worry that we would share in the responsibility of the deaths in a civil war that would undoubtedly ensue. Damn the imperialist Brits with their artifical borders (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq...).
  8. Maybe they aren't more dangerous (I assume you mean Iran and N. Korea). Maybe it's all just exaggerated - like the WMD programs in Iraq. If not, then what can we do about it?
  9. Gandhi is famous for his philosophy of non-violence. Judging by the strong stance against (any) war of other people on this list who fall in the left/lower quadrant of the chart, I am very surprised that Gandhi would consider killing "not too bad" as long as "few" died.
  10. There's interesting quotes from the Dalai Lama and Gandhi as well. For example, who said: "I do not consider Hitler to be as bad as he is depicted. He is showing an ability that is amazing and seems to be gaining his victories without much bloodshed ?" Mahatma Gandhi, May 1940
  11. Kerry's the one with "plans"
  12. whatever - as if you have a clue as to what you are talking about.
  13. Check it out: http://www.politicalcompass.org/
  14. glassgowkist wrote his response in Polish. You likely will not find what he wrote in a dictionary.
  15. Bil'she zhartuvaty ne treba. Ty brudna, nechesna osoba, "glassgowkiss", povna hnivom ta j zlym. han'ba tobi! Bida tvoyi sim'yi! Nekhaj Hospoda tebe pomyluye, bo tvoye serce temne. Ya shchyro ce kazhu. Bils'he svarytysya ne budu. Podumaj pro tvou povedinku, ta j slova...
  16. My guess is that this guy likes to drown kittens for fun...
  17. ne havkaj na mene, sobako. pishov ty k chortu z tvoyim zlym, hnivom, ta nekul'turnist'yu. ot i vse.
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