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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. It's worth pointing out that Bush's policy only restricts *federal* funding of *new* lines of *embryonic* stem cells. He did not *ban* the research. It was a compromise. There are still many avenues open: 1) state and local funding for the research (e.g. California's initiative) 2) private funding for the research 3) research of adult stem cells
  2. That was not my question. My question is not in hypotheticals, but empiricals. Just to entertain your comment though. It is the same thing that the left said last time around (2000). It's what they said in 1980, 1984, and 1988. It never happened. Roe v Wade will NOT be overturned. This is a bogey man.
  3. How exactly has your life and freedoms been adversely affected since Jan 2001 as a direct result of Bush's religious convictions?
  4. Great! As do I. But we only have two choices. As people attack the 51% who voted for Bush, you might consider that many made tough, thoughtful choices, weighing the options. I think you'd faint if you knew the deep religious conviction of previous presidents. Try reading Lincoln's second inaugural speech for just one small example. You will think you were in a church. As for "born again" Christian presidents - are you merely refering to people who converted/changed their lives midstream? Bush is actually the third Methodist to win the office, if I recall correctly. If you are talking about evangelical denominations, what about Carter?
  5. There you go again... slandering a few million, good, honest, sincere people. Keep it up, and see if your "side" convinces enough people to switch back to the Dems. You might be in for a long time in the wilderness...
  6. No problems, man. If everyone wrote a little more thoughtful postings, I would not go half as ballistic!
  7. The former CEO of my company is facing 17 federal counts. The CEO of the prior corporation I worked for has hemorhaged $19 billion (that's billion with a b!) in shareholder equity in the past 4 years. Sure he's lost too - now he's only a centimillionaire Case 1 kind of runs counter to the govt=company theory, assuming the guy is guilty, and gets convicted and punished as is due. I'd like to see a little more of that...
  8. i am more than happy to respond to any of my views/beliefs with logic, if they are challenged with logic, but the shit you are putting up is just generalizations Yeah, sure, and nobody EVER generalizes conservatives or Christians on this forum. The point I was making is that you can mock some vegans the same way you can mock creationists. If you don't like that example, then take the people who believe pets are not "owned" by their owners (and even enact laws accordingly), or any other number of nutball, left-wing notions in our society.
  9. And not all people who voted for Bush are Christians, and not all of the Christians are fundamentalists and creationists.
  10. Says you. That's the thing about conservatives. There is no room in their brains for complexity and nuance. Everything is black and white. The problem with liberals is they don't like to have their positions challenged with logic.
  11. were omnivores, and we have developed a conscience through evolution, and we have the ability to choose. i disagree with your rationale conscience? about what? we'll all fry in 5 billion years when the sun turns to a red giant, so who cares if some damn chickens felt some transitory pain?
  12. Tit for tat, Sir. Keep mocking the religious, and I'll mock the secular, especially for their ridiculous posturing about morality. I view positions held by liberals/secularists to be just as illogical and ridiculous as liberals/secularists view those of conservatives/religious people.
  13. If we are animals, created exclusively by evolutionary processes, rather than in the image of God, then there is no need to "choose" not to eat animals. And there is no reason to worry about the "suffering" of animals, or that there is morality in anything we do to them. Predators hunt and kill prey. They don't worry about whether the victim suffers pain.
  14. According to liberals, mass murderers commit crimes because of a genetic flaw, and gays are born that way. Choice does not come into the equation - it's all genetics. There's plenty of fodder to mock right there.
  15. How many vegan nutballs will mock a creationist while denying that human evolution has produced an omnivorous species with canine teeth. But that's just the tip of the iceberg...
  16. You guys work for evil, fascist corporations. The horror!
  17. Arguments are so much more convincing when "fuck" is used at least once a sentence. Typical left-wing eloquence...
  18. Liberalism is a mental illness.
  19. Gee, I wonder what a german girl blogger would have written in Dresden circa 1944, had the internet existed at the time...
  20. Be careful what you wish for. I am not so sure Hillary would be so easy to defeat. Yes, she is polarizing, but so was Bush.
  21. What was that quote about governing a country with more types of cheese than days in the year?? :-)))
  22. It's a metaphor. I see the same paranoid, delusional, irrational, conspiracy-theory infused, group-think from so many on the left that one often sees in cults.
  23. When the state is a corporation, that is called Communism, and that is the system of government preferred by people of your political leanings.
  24. Well, I have the advantage in knowing who is (and you too) but hide behind my obscure nickname...
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