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KaskadskyjKozak last won the day on April 5 2024

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About KaskadskyjKozak

  • Birthday 03/27/2000


  • Occupation
    Code Monkey
  • Location
    Above Treeline

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  1. black ice axes are especially scary
  2. Did it have a bump stock?
  3. I agree things have changed. So have I. And I've aged. I find solace and joy finding less travelled paths and enjoying that solitude while it still lasts. I have been remiss in posting TRs here. I should though. I had a horrible turnaround on Chaval last summer, and that tale might amuse some, in a Schadenfreude kind of way. I did have the mountain to myself. (well, me and my son did). I need to go back before the masses/IG crowd discover it
  4. I guess I care too, but I can care to myself and not on the internet. Totally agree about talking about pleasant things and what we have in common. Arguing makes me feel bad. Talking about mountains and adventure makes me feel good.
  5. I remember i used to want to jump on all these threads and argue endlessly. I'm so burnt out after the last decade or more. I don't really care anymore.
  6. I would love to see the Enchantment lottery run more like hunting tags. Your chances go up the more years in a row you try and don't get a permit, and if you get one, you have to wait years before you can get it again (maybe once per lifetime even).
  7. When is his final day? I may try to head down there myself
  8. I highly recommend a larch trip in the Sawtooths late September-ish. this year I cam in from the South and tagged N Navarre and Sunrise Peak en route to camp at Sunrise Lake, stayed the night there, then tried for Cheops (turned around maybe 50-100' from summit due to loose snow). In a previous year I hit courtney/star/oval as a 3 day.
  9. Chimney Rock!
  10. What are they? I still need to bag Stone.
  11. 1. Finish the Smoot List. I have one left 2. Climb Challenger 3. Some cool multi-day trip starting at Cascade Pass - maybe the Ptarmigan Traverse
  12. I've heard the gate is open some days, but generally during the week not on weekends. There has been issue with tweakers dumping shit along the forest road.
  13. I think her Avatar was "pochi"? I really loved her TRs especially the one where she solo'd Fuhrer Finger (IIRC that was the Rainier Route she solo'd)
  14. That's how I got Easy Mox in 2021. It's way more of an adventure to do it from the US side, but such an awesome experience. I almost wish folks would stomp out trails in Silver Creek (it's godawful as it is) and Perry Creek to make it a bit more reasonable. Then again, this kind of brutal bushwhack is really satisfying to knock out, with lifelong memories (or nightmares)
  15. I wonder if there are a lot of Canadians that simply day hike that trail to see the spectacular Depot Creek Falls, and if some of the signage is really warning about that. BTW - that looks new - don't recall it last time I was there at the Depot Creek TH in 2019. Another related anecdote: in 2020 I attempted an American side approach via Hannegan Pass and a high route over Taps. I underestimated what I could do on day 1 (hiked all the way to Tapto, then was too beat for day 2). I ended up doing that route in 2021 with a bit more preparation and a longer itinerary. But, the real reason I bring it up is I had considered a second attempt in 2020 and bailed last minute due to rain in the forecast. But one of my partners went for it solo and successfully got all the way to Redoubt Glacier, then got cold feet about his plans out there all alone. He decided to drop down to Depot Creek and hitchhike from the Canadian side back to Sumas rather than retrace his steps back to Hannegan. This was actually and definitely illegal due to COVID restrictions in place. When he got to the border security he spent a few hours explaining WTF had happened but was eventually allowed to cross with no fine or criminal charges or anything. He even asked the Canadian border agents if he'd be welcome back to Canada and they laughed and said "yes".
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