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Everything posted by Tanner

  1. Places like Hood that are tourist traps should have some safe guards in place. Even if that means you have to demonstrate some level of compatance (Asked questions) by a 'ranger' before you climb. Good Maybe then people taking their dog for a walk up there would get turned around, or maybe a series of signs warning travelers of the hazards present in a alpine/glacier/vertical environment. If these types of things were in place, then at least it can't be said that they weren't given ample warning of what is to come. They wouldn't deter competent climbers ready to climb hood, but it would deter idiots and jackasses from getting themselves into trouble and putting rescuers lives at risk.
  2. Micdonalds coffee is very good. I think I might even like it better than TimHortons. However, since Micdonals has nothing good to go with my coffee, I have to default back to Timmy's to feed my habit.
  3. I have been very happy with my Mountain hardwear down jacket, ITs the one with the counduit sl shell and the big puffy hood. But if waterproof and sythetic are what you are after take a look at the Fission SV Jacket by arcteryx. It's GorXCR w/primaloft fill(no personal experiance) The TNF redpoint jacket (prima loft w/hyvent shell) is also very good. I've used it in wet weather and it was a little more water resistant than a soft shell and very warm for its thickness. as a bonus it is very compresable.
  4. The class 3-5 system is hard to define. 4th class often crosses into low 5th class 5.6 or less. 3rd class can mean low 5th class or easy scambling depending on who you ask. That pic that dru posted is a really good representation of what a class 3 could look like. Oh, and short roping and simo-climbing is a good way to go for challenging steps.
  5. I took a walk up the FSR towards the trail head last weekend and the road has many impassable washouts before the normal parking area. So expect a longer approch come summer Tanner
  6. IT just ran out of plutonium
  7. Post deleted by Tanner
  8. I'll think the lions are is the best bet given the season and the weather. I guess I'll see what happens from there. Tanner Lots of good info!!!
  9. Wx seems to be changing for worse. I guess I'll have to see what happens. I'm glad to have this list of climbs for this winter to keep me busy. I'm slowly realizing that its a little to early season for some stuff. Tanner
  10. W/ Blachard peak, is it mostly climbing on snowy rock or would there be snow/ice climbing involed as well? Since its a park are there gate times to worry about? What would that route likly need for gear? 2 tools, no tools, ice pro, rock pro or no pro? I wish I had 2 or 3 days in a row! this would be way easyer Thanks Oh, with mountain Bikes could the gated road to sky pilot be tamed?
  11. I think we are going to try sky pilot on friday it seem more reasonable and the weather will be better then anyday. The northeast route looks like fun, It looks steep in the guide book (Fairley's guide) Any one know how steep it is?
  12. I like to give it a go on Wed. do you think it would go? Enought snow/Ice to make it winter climbing?
  13. how long is the approach? and thanks for the pic
  14. Thanks thats helpfull Mt Harvey looks interesting. What would I need? I guessing two tools, scews and a small rock rack? Dru do you think the route would be iced up yet? Thanks
  15. MY buddy steve and I are looking for a moderate one day winter climb. Easy Ice/mixed low 5th class, snow faces... anything between Vancouver and hope is close enought. I Only have a Two wheel drive so thats limiting for some areas. I was thinking about Welch peak, cheam, or somthing accross from yak peak(adventure climb) Any Ideas of routes and the access/approch info would be great! Tanner
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