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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Kitergal


    Seattle to Portland...bike ride/race. Espirita- Tell me all about it when your done! I'm thinking of doing it next year!!
  2. matt... http://www.kodakgallery.com/I.jsp?c=12bxreh3.bz59ntzv&x=0&y=-r0p9ty under the continue box...in tiny print, you can view w/o signing in...
  3. dude...are you kidding?? Didn't you get enough this weekend?? My liver needs to recover some!!
  4. hee hee...not funny! I SWEAR I NEVER SAID THAT!!!
  5. oh yeah...the rest of the weekend....a complete alcohol induced blurr...don't remember much else!!
  6. Climbing in Vantage on Sat. Freak'in AWESOME weather over there...Awesome climbing partner, had an incredible time!! Thanks Ed!! Mikey...Wore another one of your shirts out on Friday night...two seperate bars...two seperate doods bought me drinks! Your shirts are GREAT icebreakers man! LOVE IT!!
  7. to the women...do women expect guys to push their chair in? what about opening car door for them? why is this a "manner" issue and why is it important? it''s maybe sweet and nice to do it the first couple of times, but how long do you expect the guy you go out with to do this for you? I find people that area serious about outdoor sport tend to be very self reliant...just not when they are in the city? I can't speak for ALL the gals, but I hope that chivelry isn't dead. I love it when a guy opens the door for me, pulls out my chair, etc. LOVE IT! In all my hobbies, activities, and even in my job...I'm always busy trying to keep up with the men. It's nice to be reminded that I still am a women, and that the guy recognizes that. To be treated like a lady...God..what women wouldn't LOVE that?? For how long...hmm...for-ever. I mean if we're going to the local pub for some burgers and beer, then no...I don't expect you to hold my chair out for me....but if we've been married for 25 years and we're going out to a nice dinner..then yes, I do still want the chair routine. The door...any chance you get to open a door for a women, without it being a huge ordeal...then do it! We love it!! well I love it, as do most of my friends, I don't know about the rest of the gals on this site tho.
  8. there is nothing desperate about toying with yourself!! My toys can please me in ways you boys could only dream about!!
  9. speaking of toying, playing, etc. I'm outta here. Time for my weekend to start! Hope you all have an AWESOME weekend!! Be safe and can't wait to hear the stories and TR's on Tuesday!!
  10. umm yeah..I only like public toying...thanks.
  11. Kitergal

    Inanity Contest

  12. she didn't puke until the NEXT day...doesn't count...try again.
  13. I'm confused..so you went biking? or your going to go biking? We're talking about THIS weekend silly..not next!! yes...I was starting to get that feeling...but maybe I like being toyed with...hmmm....
  14. barf barf, gag gag...The subject is BAD first dates....
  15. Thailand, never went to Vietnam. Never said physics ewww. "lets be friends kinda way"...ITS NOT THE ACTIVITY it's the person that is what that line is referring too!!!
  16. relaxing is for retirement.....? yeah..if your already at the age to start planning your retirement....I've got some years ahead of me before that happens!!!
  17. and and under the stars again...single men..TAKE NOTES!! Women love this shit!! Watching fireworks under the stars, then making your own?!?! OMG Take me now!! oh wait..thats right..married. Story of my life.....
  18. dood for real? I mean c'mon..I'll climb, hike, you name it with him, and enjoy it...but for realz....no ones willing to ride horses and relax as well? BALANCE! WHY IS THERE NO BALANCE!!!!
  19. ooo..I just got schooled!! Ok..I'd pray for good weather or head east where it's always sunny. Maybe somewhere in the alpine lakes area...(not the enchantments and strict permit areas, but the other less strict areas). Or leavenworth. Leavenworth is always fun. You can climb, shop, mt. bike, hike, kayak, do it all in a day there! Lots of great camping as well.
  20. Kitergal

    101 Viewing

    Why is there always more anonymous users than registered?
  21. What is pansy about camping on the beach? And hanging out with locals in a small town?
  22. some-ones trying to get laid!!
  23. and of course your married with children! WHY AREN'T THERE ANY SINGLE GUYS AROUND THAT WOULD FIND THIS FUN!?!?!???? This sounds AWESOME! I'm jealous!
  24. more details...both of you!!
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