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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. See...that's what I told my buddy!! Chris..ya listening??
  2. I LOVE YOU SISTA!! You rock!
  3. no..no..Espirita has a point....what happens if you do just head out for a climb...and end up thinking the doods date potential? but in reality it was just a climb?? or how do I know when I go on just a climb if the dudes hitting on me or not....yup..it's all so confusing!! I just had this conversation with one of my guy friends...and he was like..so if I dig this chick, how do I know if she thinks of me as more than just a climbing buddy?? It's technically not ok to make the moves on someone while climbing...it could screw up a good climbing partnership!!
  4. NICE!!
  5. Hey...one of my best friends lives in a mansion of a chalet right at the base of Chamonix....if you need a place to stay..I'm pretty sure I can hook you up! I'm thinking of going and visiting him the first week of October!! PM me with your e-mail address..and I'll send him an e-mail...ccing you on it, and hook you two up to chat!! -M
  6. aww...c'mon...say it!! say it!!
  7. I dunno..I'm still into being an ant...
  8. Easy there Sobo...it's me. Why would I want to get tied down after one climb?? hmmm?? no thanks, not my style!
  9. oooo...an Eagle would be fun....
  10. nope..but he was a kick ass climber, an awesome lead and was very patient and encouraging when I was struggling!!
  11. yup....Why?? whacha know about him?? hmmmmmmm????
  12. and a smile!!
  13. yeah..but they mate for life....wouldn't you be sad if your other half got shot in front of you and you had to fly away without her??
  14. Kitergal


    Think that's going to be my new signature line...with your permission of course! I love that!! Can I vote this to be POTD??
  15. Wrong! I am under 30!! thank you very much...not a lot under...but I'm under!!
  16. it's gotta be better than a duck....hmmmm wonder how they breed tho? That's gotta hurt?!?
  17. 'cause there's so many of them...your chances of survival are great! and all you do is carry shit back to camp...always busy, never bored...they can carry more than their body weight...Gawd I wish I could do that!! It would come in handy on the long approaches!!
  18. or a porcupine, that lives far away from roads...
  19. have you seen the amount of birds that fly south!?? Talk about traffic!! Yikes...ohh and then you have the planes you have to dodge...yup..no thanks..not a duck. maybe an ant.
  20. you forgot the "get you ass shot at" portion of your life...duck hunters....they'll set ya up and shoot ya down...
  21. oooo....Little Si could be fun!! Would this be an after work thing still??
  22. yup..I vote for the semi!
  23. Very Very true.....
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