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Everything posted by Captain_Black_Bart

  1. I bet you got yer knickers DOWN for that wool...
  2. Oly's on yer ass, Mate! Watch yer backside, but yer prolly used to that defense, Swab.
  3. Land-lubbin' lass couldn't bear the rough seas. Got all pale and shivery. We seabandits need wenches of a new breed. Plus, she couldn't handle her grog.
  4. I just had one a his energy drinks, and I'm comin' over to rip your lungs out.
  5. Friggin' In The Riggin' is the only talk worth spoutin' Lubbers!
  6. To Get Any Lootin' Done
  7. It Is I who am yer Horrible Heffalump!
  8. Beware!The Curse Of Sealth!!!!
  9. Steer clear of Cape Fairwether! Word in the harbor is the weather is foul and the wind it blowhard!
  10. Yarrr, me scalliwag! It is indeed some fine booty, anothers persona!
  11. Steal me avatar, will ya! Mangy waterdweller! I'll beat ya with a stanchion pin, oversized varmit!
  12. Yarr! Yer drivin' me nuts!
  13. Banks Suck. Gold Coin, a secure chest, and a desolate place is where I keeps me plunderins
  14. The Parrot be a fine pet indeed, Matey.
  15. Yarr, it be true, Lass!
  16. Captain_Black_Bart


    Back from me pillagin' and plunderin' abroad. Twas a fine time with Trask and me other mates.
  17. Sailing into the strait of DeFuca, we knew we were bound for bully times. A wee bit of fun for me crew, a game of "round the mast" to get things stirring: Sadly, we had to disembark me rapscallion First Mate a bit early: Once ashore however, me crew soon lost thar sealegs, setting the treasure in what ye now call "Golden Gardens": Thus I find this comely lot back to reclaim that which is rightfully ours.
  18. Ye Bloody well better believe it! Yer Oakland Raiders have as them logo a swab with a patch, and me weapons of choice, the cutlass, behind yar Swab. Them Buccanneers have tha crusty Jolly Roger with the trade skull, and cutlasses. Both teams be havin' pirate mascots! And some swarthy lasses on thar sidelines, Yarrr! Pirates be battling ( in a weak, surrogate manner, ye blubberous jellyfish! )
  19. Yer Coast Guard Cheap Rum Me mutinous First Mate
  20. Sport fishin? Yar, he not be me.
  21. If ye be that , then be stayin' with yer own gay lads. Don't want no part of ye.
  22. Aye! Thars a Pirate! Yer Mister Bush be plunderin' to make a sea scoundrel proud!
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