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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Jon fixed this this morning...
  2. I changed the Messages limit....you shouldn't have this issue anymore.
  3. Thanks Lowell, I just actually added this event to the new CC.com calendar this morning!
  4. until
    Register using this link...there are limited tickets available! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/remembering-fred-beckey-a-celebration-of-life-tickets-39879444492?ref=eios&aff=eios
  5. we can change this setting once we figure out what the appropriate number of posts before a pagetop is....
  6. first pagetop!
  7. Thanks everyone for the feedback! Keep it coming! We are working on things, with a priority on working out the kinks/bugs and then building back the TR stuff to what it was...and then everything else. I tried to answer everyone. We are working on things...that doesn't mean things will get fixed right away...but we will try to get it done soon! And hearing people report these issues is big, because it lets us know what you guys care about and what bothers you the most. Thanks!
  8. 1. Thank you! Yeah I don't get paid to do this, so it is indeed a labor of love! 2. Here is how to "nest" or hide forums in a category.  If the navigation icon was showing that would probably be more evident!  We are working on that! 3. We are looking into last 24 and last 24 spray free options.... 4. Cheers!
  9. Yes...both are these are high priority.
  10. I'm for free beer! Who is buying???
  11. No...never getting rid of a turgid sausage. Which one are you talking about....one of the emoticons? Here is how to get to ALL of the emoticons. Once you use one it will stay in the main dropdown so you can use it next time...
  12. @ivan @JasonG @G-spotter and whoever else is asking about this....it looks like the setting for this software is 25 posts per page. Does anyone remember what it was on UBB?
  13. Here is how to get to messages! Confusing because the icon is messed up. We are working on that....its in the queue of things to fix! Let me know if this helps or not...
  14. The squares are indeed bug. Yes, should e navigation. Video showing how to update your signature....
  15. Thanks Olymountainboy that exactly the kind of feedback we need! Now that we have a modern platform, yes we would like to tune it like you mention.
  16. I’m at Munchen Haus let’s party
  17. olyclimber


  18. olyclimber


    video of who to find your favorite emoticon
  19. olyclimber


  20. If you made it here, then you are on the new cc.com forum software. This new software is modern, awesome, and very different from the old UBB software that we moved off of. There will be a new learning curve, and we may need to change some settings along the way, and improve the software along the way to better customize it to our needs. There is a new TR tool for creating TRs, and there is not yet a TR searching tool. We also don't yet have the replacement image gallery turned on. These things are coming! In the meantime, we think you'll like the new experience. If you have any problems or questions then by all means post them up. We will likely make a FAQ, perhaps some help videos, or even a new forum for answering questions and making this new software way better than the last software we used. In the mean time, you can post your questions in this thread and we will try to get them answered.
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