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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. what did i tell you. vaccinations = the devils work http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44442051/ns/politics/#.TmmlTJjD7xw
  2. olyclimber

    Union Thugery

  3. olyclimber

    Union Thugery

    There was an awesome picture of a sheriff "choken a bitch" in the paper. Gotta find it.
  4. [video:youtube]Gl7OUPlAZrA
  5. nice Kurt! sounds like you had a GOODIE TIME!
  6. sweet get'm out there and start them young! next year you can make the little guy carry your pack...its only fair!
  7. autism?
  8. all this would have never happened if they would just get rid of vaccinations. THANKS FOR THE AUTISM!
  9. Have you even been to the moon?
  10. Kev, what is your address? The rangers need to know where to send the ticket. Especially after you go so far as to call them "lazy". And your "city boy" attitude regarding the Enchantments is moronic. It isn't "far back" and the permits are there for a good reason.
  11. 18, 19, and 20 were all excellent examples of the government realizing that they couldn't expect to hold up the elaborate hoax much longer with too many more fake missions. the cost of faking additional moon landings was just too high, so they wisely cancelled those.
  12. Look to what extent they go to make it look like the moon landings really happened: http://www.komonews.com/news/national/129355493.html But really, according to Occum's Razor...there is no way these landings ever happened. If they really had happened there would be hotels and casinos on the moon by now.
  13. Call up the ranger station and ask them how much the fine is! It does seem like a silly question to ask though: How much do I have to pay to break the law?
  14. nope. only baseball and apple pie. i think that article was about communist Europe anyway. why do you waste your time with that drivel?
  15. Peter I don't have time to read the article, but could you summarize it in a video using a Ronald Reagan puppet like this? [video:youtube]yovzZkf6OFQ
  16. Undercover sting operation!
  17. very cool! thanks for the TR.
  18. BTW, I voted for George Bush. First time I have ever done that!
  19. what is it with the whole race to the bottom and you guys anyway? GEEZ!
  20. the real problem is that the socialist kenyan wants to put the government in between our human chain of ass to mouth (aka the great american human centipede). this is obviously less efficient, ergo unemployment. DUH!
  21. Why the dig? Come on now kev, i was just singing a song. you like music, don'tcha? Jeez. Why the hate vibe bro?
  22. its a wonder you still know how to breathe
  23. Peter, he'll blame it on you...correctly. For things to work we needed to have Hope, and you didn't have any. Way to go!
  24. cool!
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