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Posts posted by Rad

  1. Kay,

    Many on this site view TRs as the best content on cc.com. A number of TR posters have gotten tired of the endless spray that clogs the arteries here, and several have stopped posting their cool climbing stories. So if someone like you makes a post that threatens to eliminate another chunk of TRs, it should not be surprising that many people take offense. Without TRs this site would be just another trash talk heap on the interweb. If talking trash about TRs is your thing then find one of those other sites or move to spray.

    Thanks and have a lovely day.


  2. hey at least people aren't posting trip reports of Tiger Mountain or Mt. Si everyday!


    Actually, today I went to Si. It was so SICK! Well, maybe not the big Si cuz we're not ready for that. Just the Little Si. It was still totally SICK, though. Actually, we didn't make it all the way up the trail, we got sidetracked by this SICK cliff. There were some small curly-haired dogs walking on the trail that left little curly dumps on the gravel by the parking lot - SICK! -but they didn't scare us - the dogs or their dumps- cuz we're climbers. Well, mybe not REAL climbers, more like SPORT climbers.


    So we warmed up on a reptilian climb. It was SICK. A few bolts next to a crack. But hey, it's sport climbing so what do you want?! We used my pink rope. The anchors look crappy and need to be replaced so someone doesn't lower, fall, bounce on his head on the ledge, and fly into the trees below in a pile of gelatinous gray matter. SICK! Then we went to climb some route named after prana-topped hotties in VW. It was SICK . The route was dry except on the last move to the chains you had to step into a sopping slobbery foothold while pulling an undercling on an overhanging wall. SICK. Clip, clip. Lower.


    Meanwhile, a 5.14 climber was warming up on my SICK project. Well, it's not mine, and it's not a project, cuz it's been climbed 1000s of times be4, but it's a project for me cuz I haven't climbed it so I was projecting my proj. And it's SO SICK! It would be my first at that number grade. So I asked the 5.14 climber to hang some qdraws for me, cuz I'll take any help I can get. So I set out on my redpoint attempt - actually pinkpoint because the draws were pre-placed - feeling like Superman. Well, not really super, but at least OK, and more like a sport climber dude than a real MAN, so really just an OK sport climber dude. SICK! I was stressed beacuse my lucky chalkbag was at the gym where I left it on Friday, but I borrowed one so it was ok. So I started up the proj. I made it through the SICK bouldery lower crux, rested on the ledge while my belayer untangled a hairball of rope, barely hung in there through the enduro middle, and snagged a SICK rest on a hold so caked with chalk it looked like a seagull guanofest party. But I chalked more anyway cuz it was my proj I was projecting. Then I slapped up the arete, sketched past the second to last bolt and...fell two moves from the end of the bidness of the route. Not so sick. More sickening. Simply ran out of juice and couldn't crimp the crimpy crimps on the bouldery upper bulging SICK final crux. So I hung like only sportos can and then climbed to the top, undaunted by the fact that the bolts were almost 6 ft apart! SICK! Redpoint still awaits. So that was my day at Mt Si, or at least Little SI, or somewhere up the trail half way to Little Si. SICK!


  3. Excellent game. Congrats Canada, you were the better team. USA probably played with more heart for the second half of regulation. I'm glad USA scored that goal near the end to force you to actually WIN the game instead of playing not to lose - prevent defense is lame in any sport.


  4. At Vantage you need a kevlar suit to go with your full visor motocross helmet.


    New olympic sport: sport-o-choss. See helmetless climbers race the clock while clipping bolts in suspect rock as large and small blocks shear off under their feet and hands. Thrills abound.

  5. Narrow Arrow Direct P3 - Lower Town Wall, Index.

    Leave My Face Alone - The Country, Index.

    Overture - Deception area, Exit 38.

    Architect Rally - Nevermind, Exit 38.

    Gold Rush - Woods area, Exit 32/Little Si.

    BLM6 - left edge of WWI, Exit 32/Little Si.


    And then new routes at a new crag at X38 Far Side that feels more like Index than X38 (pm me and I'll take you when weather improves):


    History Book (24m, 10a, all trad).

    Metamorphosis (2p, 10+, mixed gear and bolts).

    Hypertension (28m, 11).

    Free Radical (25m, 11-).

    Hidden Dragon (30m, 11).


  6. MAybe you can look to the columnades (sp) bike park in Seattle as a model. Dave Schulz knows the score. In my understanding, the city handled permitting and provided some $ for supplies. The community users provided all the labor. That way you get a product people really enjoy and use with greatly reduced costs to the city and a larger materials budget than the user group might cobble together on its own. Everyone wins.

  7. There are a lot of folks at cc.com and beyond who don't appreciate that their current and future employers, friends, spouses, and others will google their names and quickly turn up all the internet sludge they've been spewing. Avatars are security blankets that provide little protection against even modestly sophisticated cyber scrutiny. Anyone who believes otherwise is living in a bubble that will eventually POP!

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