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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Trask's Gully. Really Manky. Dirty and loose.
  2. Should be good for Cracker - hs hands are big, so the offended women say...
  3. but it screams when you weight it.
  4. Daryl, again: Kudos to your efforts and continuing contributions to the climbing community..
  5. OPens Tomorrow!!!! STFU, all you naysayers (in advance), MATRIX
  6. You PDX Folks got some? I know that Powells
  7. Here come da judge! This has got to be Bob's new avatar picture!
  8. Nishino's Red Barn Marcus' Martini Heaven The Latona The Hopvine
  9. i guess the zodiac is off limits for 99.99999999% of climbers then jah cheif? I meant to say clean, not free. The context kind of indicates that, as does the second paragraph, but: my bad. It was 5:30 in the morning.
  10. i like those dmm wirelocks cause they are sexy beasts like me. Yeah, you got that right...all scrawny, twisted w/ a ball trapped in their crack! Just kiddin'
  11. Isn't there another one without the notch, that has a twist in the wire with a ball and slot at the end? thats the freaking dmm wirelock Hell, Dru. If ya did more than post silliness about them, maybe it would be more obvious.
  12. Isn't there another one without the notch, that has a twist in the wire with a ball and slot at the end?
  13. EWolfe

    Where is the love?

    Your the best buddy-old-pal in the whole world, Mike.
  14. Things that seem inopportune often are not.
  15. What kind of 'biners do folks like? Ease of clipping, weight being the most important factors. I have a lot of hotwires that I like, and was thinking about replacing the ovals for racking gear with some oval wiregates. Anyone used them? Other good 'biners? Discuss.
  16. Winter's coming, and it's time to cozy up with a good book. Just finished: The Darker Saints The Small Book by Jack Trimpey Reading: The Superlative Horse (again) by Jean Merrill The Road Less Travelled (again) by Scott Peck Soul Mates by Thomas Moore
  17. There's plenty of tricks for your bag out there. No need to bring a hammer on established clean routes. Those who do these pin routes free have advanced the level, and if you can't follow that lead, get on something more moderate.
  18. I am changing the subject title Good thoughts, Rob. Interesting ideas, for sure. One of them makes me wonder if the foibles of Western Culture wll make other cultures rethink their own strengths? The whole idea of cultural monopoly has never taken, it seems, but never has it been so globally pervasive.
  19. You trolling for a clownpunch?
  20. EWolfe


    Is this some kind of canadian feather fetish
  21. Dru, did you get that signed during your fan days?
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