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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. I hate link blocks! gw bush +gif lifeisajoke.com link.
  2. EWolfe

    Unfortunate Names

    Morgana Edgar Sparky
  3. It's not even a full-sized submarine!
  4. I hear you been doin' some knee-dropping of your own to keep your job after all that sprayin'
  5. the next post is much better than my effort 1 1 1 1 1 V
  6. whew! annoy.com, brokebank
  7. The absence of Dave Schuldt on this re-thread is the REAL kiss of death.
  8. Quit with the intellect and prose on my redneck thread.
  9. Whose content were you criticizing a little bit ago, there, E? Touche. I didn't want to outplay the famous DFA, so I had to knock it down a few notches.
  10. I was going to mention surfing.
  11. You know it's been too long. Admit it. "How much is a Brazilian?"
  12. What happened to the once-rapier repartee, DFA? Is this lame spewing of AC/DC lyrics truly all that remains of the once-infamous sparster? Sad.
  13. Expect a rash of new Cat....... avatars soon! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  14. Jawbreakers Hostess Cakes Pop Rocks Camaros Ferrets
  15. Setting yourself up for a pagetop.
  16. Not as boring as this spray!
  17. NextGen: Blackberry sprayer.
  18. I can't believe I ever thought these were cool and the Members only jacket: Yikes!
  19. cj, you make some excellent points! Very succinct! I especially like the obsevation of subject and background having no connection. BTW, Happy Birthday!
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