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Everything posted by minx

  1. minx

    Hawkeye Caucus

    if you study hard enough you might even get into wazzu. they take a certain number of retards. as an alumnus of that fine institution, i'd just like to say "fuck off"
  2. minx

    Hawkeye Caucus

    good grief! what was that about? You have to know a bit about their relationship on the court to get it, my dear. ummm, dear, i'm not entirely uneducated nor unaware of current events. i didn't mean "what was that about?" in the sense of i don't understand the interplay between but rather WTF would you even say that shit.
  3. minx

    Hawkeye Caucus

    good grief! what was that about?
  4. minx

    Ach! My privates!

    well, its spray. not even you can ruin that.
  5. minx

    Ach! My privates!

    i think its a good thing i'm gonna go veggie again. now bacon's been ruined
  6. minx

    Ach! My privates!

    i love the pork
  7. people who don't want the likes of you as a neighbor?
  8. isn't this the same conversation you guys have been having for months?
  9. some of us live on the eastside and not the redmond part of the eastside. it's 45 min to an hour to get to those gyms for some of us.
  10. minx


    Oh ……now that I respect…..I know you climb….. I am going to go now and STFU…… really??? excellent! KKKKKKKK you're my new hero.
  11. minx

    Ach! My privates!

    probably wise, but you can eat as much of it as you like while naked.
  12. minx

    Ach! My privates!

    i've got yer bacon right here, babe.
  13. minx

    Ach! My privates!

    frankly, there's more than enough of my bacon to go around these days.
  14. minx

    Ach! My privates!

    i've answered my PMS and it says i should bitch-slap you.
  15. as long as they're not a sedative.
  16. that's the funniest shit i've read in a long time. it's not fair! it's just not fair! i want my drugs too! WAAAHHHH!
  17. :lmao:
  18. wow- all this from a thread about situation involving a tow truck and tickets.
  19. i also used to be fond of the drop 2 alka seltzer in a glass of water, drink and eat a banana before bed (assuming you're not about to puke). now i'm just too lazy for that so its bacon. hands up...who is hung over this morning? oh, and good morning kevbone
  20. bacon
  21. minx

    New Years Eve Plans

    that sounds...ummm...nice btw you little toad. its not tequila that's lacking, its a plan for NYE. i'm sure to be home doing nothing by midnight.
  22. minx

    New Years Eve Plans

    With enough Tequila you will be! good evening, kevin
  23. minx

    New Years Eve Plans

    i wish i was a hot date
  24. doesn't this warm fuzzy group hug shit belong in the cafe?
  25. good morning kevin
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