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Everything posted by minx

  1. global warming is going to kill us all!
  2. minx

    rap v. country

    what would you rather have your partner put in the car stereo?
  3. shoot, i wish i had a reason as good as that. hope you had a good climb!
  4. its gonna be a long week!
  5. minx

    The best cure...

    bacon, that is the cure for the common hangover
  6. minx


    the book was a decent read.
  7. can we talk about global warming yet?
  8. shouldn't you be out shooting something? or something? leave the canucks alone. they're a friendly, peaceful species.
  9. minx

    the dark night

    kevin, softball right across the plate there. you can do better.
  10. preventitive maintenance
  11. yes, vagina's should be kept clean, yours included
  12. theres a vagina comment to made here but i can't quite think of it.... oh yeah, nice close up tvash
  13. minx

    funny jokes

    nahh...that sounds like a lot of work. i'm waiting to start a work out routine until technology comes along and i just have to take a pill and think about it a little.
  14. minx

    funny jokes

    well that's my problem then, i've got no balance!
  15. minx

    funny jokes

    cross fit is lame (except for fern)
  16. wasn't this about global warming?
  17. minx

    atlanta and dallas

    oh kevbone, he gotcha there. :lmao: i've got to actually get some work done today. don't hurt each other boys
  18. minx

    atlanta and dallas

    jim, wanna trade?
  19. minx

    atlanta and dallas

    oh good lord i come back from lunch and its still going on. can you two puleeze kiss and make up?
  20. you can only ask nicely so many times
  21. sorry, that's extra metro. they're wearing capes.
  22. minx

    atlanta and dallas

    yeah, not so lucky, i'm going to the research triangle (raleigh for a quickie in a few weeks. fortunately, the company i'm visiting is keeping us busy while i'm there.
  23. "i just bought a scooter!!!!" go ahead and try but it can't be done.
  24. minx

    atlanta and dallas

    bite me Hugh
  25. minx

    funny jokes

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