alright now that we've clearly established that Peter_Puget is the devil and j_b is an innocent lamb in all this, i think we're done here.
j_b just so you know. PP is a moderator but he isn't a spray mod so he can't abuse you in this forum. now the rock climbing forum....totally different. be careful there. you never know what he might do
yes, i had the joy of sleeping in today but with his unplanned free time i have no idea what to do but i think it will definitey involve a nap this afternoon.
i'll think of you while i'm lounging around over a cup of coffee late in the morning tomorrow
well i guess this is my sign to put more effort into my current small side business. i enjoy it but i've never really considered it a way to make a living. it will definitely be a pay cut! but i guess i'll know when i'm about to get laid off.
you'd get about the same amount of action either way.
now stfu and stay off my thread. i'd actually like to find some people to do things with.
no this isn't a personal add...
i suddenly find myself with my weekdays free. looking for partners for climbing whatever and skiing when the snow flies. shoot me a PM if you need a weekday partner
listen the methheads are just another objective hazard, its good training.
i forgot, i don't climb. don't know what i was thinking in that earlier post so either place is good just they way it is. spray on!