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Everything posted by catbirdseat

  1. This idea came up in "CC.com factions" and I thought it deserved its own post. How does it go? Lurker, Member, First Post, Bold post, Flamed, Retreat, Counter Attack, Confident, Respected, Despised....?
  2. I would think that the gals who are tough enough for cc.com must be tough climbers and good partners. They know how to roll with the punches and accept adversity with good humor.
  3. Perverse PMs from trask? Bien sur que oui!
  4. I think that I've already been through a "trask initiation" with his "Hey Catshit" posting.
  5. That would be a great topic for a new thread. What are the "stages" that new posters go through?
  6. The lurkers are the "neutrinos" of CC.com. They are like ghosts just passing through. They don't interact with matter, or not even with Spray.
  7. It appears to me that one can only assign a user rating once, unless I am mistaken. I would like to be able to submit additional user ratings "votes", if my opinion of a person changes over time, as it often does. Of course, there would have to be controls the system is not abused. Could it be made so one can submit one vote per day, or something like that?
  8. Trask, you've hit the nail on the head. You're right, "that's funny.." is how things get discovered. When some _observation_ doesn't fit the model, then the model get's changed. This is all a catbird troll isn't it?
  9. RobBob, I don't know where you are coming from, but I have worked as a scientist for 20 years in pharmaceuticals, and I cannot think of ONE time anyone ever falsified data. We know that honesty is EVERYTHING. Without honesty and integrity, you might as well become a lawyer.
  10. No, I'd put trask as Joker, or possibly Devil's Advocate For me I had to choose between Liberal Extremist and Center, when in fact I'm somewhere in between (there wasn't a Geek or Nerd category available). I'm in good company with mattp GregW=Right Wing Fascist (and Gun afficianado) you-know-who= Hater, but only when drunk, the rest of the time Climber Colin = Climber, Mike G, Fred- definitely Dwayner, DFA = Joker?
  11. What the f---? Did he jump off deliberately? He's gone ga ga.
  12. I knew a gal at Optiva who left a nice cush marketing job to go to a dot com only three months before the crunch. I remember thinking then, "how dumb, this whole bubble is about to burst".
  13. I've dated myself. I started doing this in 1983 and at that time the two p's were used interchangeably.
  14. a bicycle pump a 1500 lb comealong sleeping bag and pillow motor oil, transmission fluid candy odd pieces of oak flooring left over from a job spare tire off my stolen minivan (can use on rear of truck only) Beckman 110B Pump (for High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) Carpet fragment Wisk broom
  15. catbirdseat


    All these guys started climbing a very young age. They are all very single minded about it. If I started as young as they and devoted as much karma to it, I'd be a much better climber than I am. A little talent wouldn't hurt either. They have that too in abundance.
  16. OR makes an insulated pouch for a 1 liter Nalgene bottle that works great. If you put the water in the bottle hot, it will still be warm after several hours. If it is really cold put the bottle in upside down so the ice will not clog the threads. If you don't have the money or access to the OR product, make your own insulation out of an old piece of closed cell polyurethane foam using duct tape.
  17. Yeah right, play dumb. Your an operator. I should be invisible now too.
  18. This reminds me of a joke. This skinny guy from Chicago, Joe, finally gets enough money to take a vacation to Rio. He's on the beach all pasty white. He sees this handsome fellow all tan and will a swarm of beautiful girls standing around him in thong bikinis. Our boy Joe wishes he could get the girls to be attracted to him like that, so he walks up to the big guy wearing the speedos and asks, "can you tell me how I can get chick like you do?". The fellow says, "I am Raoul, and I can tell you how. First you must get the speedo. And you must walk up and down ze beach like a man." So Joe goes and buys a pair of speedos and puts them on and walks up and down the beach. I checks out all the hot chick, but nothing doing. They don't even notice him. So he goes back to Raoul and tells him, "what am I doing wrong?" To which Raoul replies, "I can see zat you have a problem. You must go and get ze potato, put it in ze speedo and then walk up and down the beach like a man." So Joe goes and gets the potato puts it in and walks up and down the beach. But now he gets a completely different reaction. The women are all laughing at him. He goes back to Raoul, "what did I do wrong this time?" To which Raoul replies, "Well, first, you must put ze potato in the front."
  19. That was rather off-the-wall. You suggesting you've been to Prague recently? I don't think so.
  20. I had to read Thurber for an english class when I was in college. So why did you make yourself invisible in your profile? Are you afraid that people will reach out and touch you?
  21. I've got me a bottle of Molson Canadian. It is pretty good, really. Curious about where catbirdseat comes from? Its from a James Thurber short story. http://www.barksdale.latech.edu/Engl%20308/The%20Catbird%20Seat.doc
  22. Actually, Trask, I was out playing my horn with my son. The band was sounding pretty good tonight. We had a great time. Now that you mention it, I will have a beer though.
  23. What I do to deserve this, Trask? If you really wanted to get my attention you would have PM'd me. Oh goody, it's Chronic Gumby time.
  24. ChrisT, I see you have a new signature image. Very nice. . With my next posting, I'll enter the revered ranks of the Chronic Gumbies. I also noticed that somehow I picked up a star somewhere.
  25. I was waiting for you to post this one. Good news indeed! Especially since I'll be doing more drinking until I get my head together again- only kidding about that. Yes, a beer a day keeps the doctor away. I'll drink to that.
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