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Everything posted by mothboy88

  1. But it is all a Democratic legacy going back to Roosevelt and Truman….you know the democrat know how to start the fire (you is a prime sample) but don’t know how to put it out …but then they criticizing anyone who try to clean THEIR messy shit I am not being an apoligist for Democratic administrations. I am not even a Democrat, even though you claim I am a "prime sample [sic]". If thats a some sort of homoerotic compliment, thanks, I guess I'm flattered. But I am married. Of course some Democrats have had elements of their foriegn policy that misguided in retrospect. So have Republicans. You seem to be suggesting (please correct me if I mistook you) that all foriegn policy problems are soley the fault of Democratic policies. Anything that the Republicans do that is questionable was some how the fault of an earlier Democratic policy. You offered some links that list out acts of terrorism against the US. Your links don't offer any analysis as to how the Democrats caused these acts. Are you really suggesting that Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson, and Carter somehow forced Reagan to give up in Beirut in the face American casualties? Somehow former Democratic presidents made Reagan trade US weapons with Iran so the terrorist groups they controlled would release our hostages? Thats ludicrous. It appears to me the following could be a summation of your political outlook: Your side is always right. But if it appears to be wrong, it must have been the other sides fault. Good things that happen while your side controls the government are soley because of you side. Bad things are soley attributed to a previous bad administration. Again, please correct me if my perception is wrong. I think there is an equal distribution of people who ascribe to the aforementioned approach on the right and left. I don't find their contributions to a debate very useful. If a person isn't capable of some introspective critisism of political ideaologies and policies he or she ascribes it works to discredit any valid arguments the person trys to make. To say that Clinton and other Democrats are soley repsonsible for 9/11 is just as crazy as liberals saying the current state of the economy is soley due to Bush's policies. Things as complex as terrorism and economic trends occur over a continuum of time and no one president can ever fully take credit for or shirk events that happen during his administration. Also - The suggestion that Democratic strategists sit around trying to get us into problems and then lose and election to make Republicans is very entertaining. FYI - I'll be on the pennisula starting tonight so I will have to bug out of this discussion for a few days.
  2. Yeah, Clinton was the first president to "chicken" out of an adversive military engagement. Its a good thing you don't have "...a short memory all cushioned by the geographical remoteness of your state..." But if you were to stroll a little further down memory lane, you might remember an event more egregious than the Somalia pullout. 241 Marines were murdered in a Shi'ite terrorist truck bombing in Beirut in 1983. How did the great military leader Reagan respond? We pulled out a couple of months later without achieving any of the original objectives. But the terrorists apparently didn't garner any "INDORSMENT" of their tactics from Beirut. They are only encouraged by foriegn policy bumblings from Democratic administrations. It must have been when Clinton "INDORSED" terrorism that Iran became part of the "Axis of Evil." Because back during the Reagan's administration, he must have been following Sun Tzu's rules to mitigate their terrorist potential. While "TERROR cannot be negotiated with. TERROR has to be eliminated BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE…yes, that include life..." it appears terror (or the terrorist state of Iran) can be sold United States arms to get American hostages released by (gasp) terrorists in the Middle East. But Reagan did have his illegal Central American war that he didn't have the balls to try to justify overtly in front of Congress and the American people. So I guess he really needed the bloody money. And he had "no specific recollection" of that whole Iran-Contra thing, so its all good. Thanks, IceIceBAby for pointing out that this whole terrorism thing is soley the fault of Clinton policies. No conservative ever has or will "INDORSE" terrorism.
  3. Squeal like a pig.
  4. mothboy88

    Whatcha Readin?

    I am simul-reading two books. I'm getting through "We Wish to Inform You That Tommorrow We Will Be Killed with Families." Its a pretty gut wrenching book about the Ruwanda genocide. When that gets too depressing I bounce over to reading "Seabiscuit" which is a surprisingly good story.
  5. I am shopping for some topo map software for my Dad. It looks like the National Geographic product (Topo It) might be the best but also the most expensive. Anybody have any thoughts/experiences?
  6. Pat Robertson is gonna be really upset when he sees this. Click this line to see the salacious video...
  7. mothboy88

    Best PNW town

  8. Semi related - This a link to a story about an Iranian expatriate who is using his US TV station to brodcast his programing into Iran via satellite. Its very satirical and rips on the mullahs and ayatollahs. Its apparently very popular in Iran and the channel has been responsible for organizing anti-government protests from the other side of the world. Anyway, its a great story about something that happened by accident but essentially turned into a Radio Free Europe... except its probable way more effective than anythin the government could have dreamed up for encouraging democracy in Iran. Here is the link Iranian National TV Story
  9. Who drove after all that? Sounds sketchy.
  10. Our friends in Oregon are so progressive... Interpreter Job article link Maybe CC is being discriminatory by not offering a klingon version.
  11. I'll call dibs on the Marmot Jacket if its still available. Bug, I sent you a private message with my contact info.
  12. What is the fill thickness?
  13. A little off topic... Anybody know a good link to find out about a proposal to install ski lifts at Hurricane Ridge? I read a bit about it in the paper a few months back. It seems like its already busy enough up there without big lifts.
  14. I saw a little headline on the crawl during local news this morning stating a hiker died on Mt. Eleanor. I haven't been able to locate any more information on the web. Anyone have any news? I was just there last weekend and conditions were ideal.
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