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Everything posted by Tyrone_Shoes

  1. Yeah, no shit, we're good friends, we signed up on the same day. good work though Columbo.
  2. Anna, You just don't get it...you know what, forget it, disregard. Congradulations on your solo! Take care.
  3. OFF WHITE, Search deeper for the message, We are all ignorant about shit. Forget about the rudness. What's better? hey... you almost killed yourself, better watch out next time. or HEY ! YOU AMOST KILLED YOURSELF IDIOT ! DON"T COME BACK TIL YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING !!!
  4. TRASK, I gather from your reply that you're very intelligent. ANNA, You might want to look closer at your defence.
  5. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lets fly sometime Mister Chips...now that is something I know quite a bit about, and love too....still training in a 152 though.... ANNA ANNA ANNA... I was feeling bad for what Mr. Chips had said to you regarding some stupid judgment you and your party made climbing, until I read the above. For crying out loud! You don't a bloody damn thing about flying. You said it yourself "still training in a 152" I'm a pilot, endorsed, multi engine IFR, High Performance, land/sea, PPC's on BE200, BE90, DHC6. I flew medivac opperations in the arctic for 4 years and I THINK I STILL HAVE ALOT TO LEARN ABOUT AVIATION. How much experience do you think someone needs to fly circuits around the strip VFR? or touch and go's at ZBB? not much. It baffles me how cocky and ignorant newly licenced Commercial pilots are. Are you even Commercial? I think what Mr. Chips is trying to say is, You don't know shit! probably about climbing and MOST DEFFINATLY ABOUT FLYING! so think long and hard about your choice of words and more importantly, your skill level. Your life depends on it! thats OK, like you, all of started at the same place. Just know where you are starting from. KNOWBODY wants to hear about your demise on some alpine route or read about your Navajo flying into a granite cloud. So to everyone reading this, Next time your doing your slide shows or telling your Starbuck's war stories. Remember, you're only half as good as you say you are. Someone can always do it better but never talks about it. Anna, Fly/climb safe
  6. Chips, I have a some pretty good hand sketches and notes in my survey book of that area. I could send the scanned pages to you but my hand writing is messy. I have only visited the area a few times, but have not climbed.
  7. Tyrone_Shoes


    Yes, I agree, I have been getting a lot of negative feedback from this website.
  8. Yes, I agree, I have been getting a lot of negative feedback from this website.
  9. Tyrone_Shoes


    This Allison, who is she? I can make no sense of her post at all, no directive? I'm missing somthing maybe. Pulito nonsenso !
  10. Read the message again! I did loose a drill! Do you know anything about this !
  11. ALL CLIMBERS BE ADVISED: Today at Harrison one of my HILTI's was stolen from the back of my Yukon! They broke the side window, and stole the equipment when we were working on some new routes. Luckily my new drill was with me and most of our gear. Has anyone else had this type of problem at this location? RCMP have been notified.
  12. Tyrone_Shoes


    What the hell is going on here?
  13. Fence Sitter, no need to act like an Assahole.
  14. I did not spray any paint on any routes! I just wanted to bring light to the fact that this is happening and knowbody was talking about it. I thought it was interesting how I want to bolt a few popular routes to allow access to a wider variety of climbers but knowbody cares about orange paint. I'm not against it completly as it clearly designates effective belay areas but I had nothing to do with ANY PAINTING !
  15. Mr. Chips, when you're up there, take notice of the Orange Paint Markings on the Belay stations and on the summit.
  16. Some of you may have noticed the use of the bright orange Circle/Arrow paint marking on many of the belay stations, and summits on Mt Slesse, Rexford, and Cdn Border Peak. This is a newer European technique. Why is there no talk of these markings on your mountains. I would think this would be very unappealing to the masses of Western Climbers.
  17. Oh ok, a joke...very funny.
  18. CAVEMAN Thank you for the information
  19. CAVEMAN hey that's great "if you are serious". As said previously I may have this gear sold already but I will know by Friday. If not I'll let you know and it's yours, I'm firm on price but we can talk on Friday. I'll give you my email and Phone Number then. Take care.
  20. Yes, I have seen the look on the face of Mr. Sephon Richards, Parks Rec. Commissioner for GVRD when useing Power Equipment in the wilderness. He is quite pleased to have the work done by me and my crew. I also do work for BC Hydro in the "wilderness." My equipment is in almost "new condition" and is probably sold but I'll let you know.
  21. Hello "OFF WHITE" That is an American ad my freind, you should do you math again.
  22. Just bought a Hilti TE 55 Combi Drill/Hammer, would like to sell my old equipment. Bosch 24-Volt Battery operated drill with depth gauge attached....$800 Spare Batt...$45 Hilti double fluted one-piece SDS bit, Carbide tipped....$20 (half life) 10 Fixed Double Wedge bolts....$40 I also have a HIT-HY 150 Fast Curing Injection System for sale. This is a chemical anchoring system, great for some alpine applications.
  23. Just bought a Hilti TE 55 Combi Drill/Hammer, would like to sell my old equipment. Bosch 24-Volt Battery operated drill with depth gauge attached....$800 Spare Batt...$45 Hilti double fluted one-piece SDS bit, Carbide tipped....$20 (half life) 10 Fixed Double Wedge bolts....$40 I also have a HIT-HY 150 Fast Curing Injection System for sale. This is a chemical anchoring system, great for some alpine applications.
  24. I'm sorry, I can't please everyone. I'm from Italy, and the people appretiate when a citizen puts the time and money into the local mountains. Believe me, I have seen it before, I drill the holes and bolt the routes and the very next day there is a line up for the route. That makes me happy, that I can contribute. I want nothing in return. Me and my crew are working here for only onther 16 months before we go back over seas, in that time I plan to make your moutains a better place. Aid Climbers and interested parties, I hope to see you out there. Climb safe. --------------------------------------------------"Build it and they will come"
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