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Everything posted by Tyrone_Shoes

  1. Jkrueger, good for you. You're bang on.
  2. Dru....hmmmmm.....did I slip up? ah geeez... Read it again, if you dont get it... read it again, if you still don't get, PM me and I'll give my cell number, I'll explain it to ya. Hows that for consistency?
  3. Wow, some really good thoughts, Normal Clyd, RobBob, Chuck to name a few. Heaven forbit we get back on topic here. to detour for a sec: Dru, what? -------------------------------------------------- Tyrone we will respect you more ifn you post your real name too. -------------------------------------------------- I made it clear from the start, I repeat, "I enjoy my anonymity" It's the only way the truth can be truly spoken freely. This is one of the cornerstones of a free society, we vote this way for crying out loud. and Trask, Who cares if you have been "known as Trask for over 40 years" to most of us you still have no identity, we don't know who you are? and that fine. Do try to keep up. Glacier says to Anna, "So think of this as a very rough debrief" well said, and it's that simple. Use the info or not. This whole discussion is indeed a very intersting social experiment on how we process different forms of communication. Like I said, if you've met me. I bet you would think I'm an alright, polite and easygoing guy. (not to sound arrogant)
  4. This is consistent with his catch phrase "chicken F'r" Now we know who we're dealing with!
  5. This is good !
  6. With regards to Trask's statement: quote: Pick ONE frickin' name and stick with it through thick and thin. I figure if you have to hide to post some negitive or argumentative shit, you're not worth spit. Thats a horseshit notion from the getgo. If you believe that then post your real name. I'd have more respect for ya. In the mean time embrace your cloak of darkness like the rest of us, except DRU but you know what I think of that.
  7. Well, think what you want about split personalities. Personaly I couln't care less what you guys think in terms of who is who. I hate to say it but OFFWHITE had a good point. You have to treat everyone independently. If you respond to the posts, then no matter how you slice it, you care what others think of your ideas. Even if it's in the smallest way. I enjoy my Anonymity, I can voice my opinion strong and how ever I want without holding back. I don't care if you think I'm a prick. Dru, thats your choice to use your name but, I bet you hold back your true ideas and thoughts a whole lot OR (and this my belief) You have a whole other Avitar and name that does it for you. What ever, it doesn't matter, I'll just stick to one guy. Having said that, go ahead and assume I'm two or three or four or five people if you want.
  8. besides, they pulled the first posting. I wonder why?
  9. quote: __________________________________________________Fuck off Chips and take Tyrone the cock sucker with ya. (from Trask) __________________________________________________ You called it Trask, I am wired differntly, I'll let my wife know soon. I'm posting this every night until they kick me off this damn thing. Actually, I just wanted the response you just gave me, your first one wasn't up to par. I'm done.
  10. I would like to oppoligize publicly for my lack of discression and insensitive remark regarding TRASK being neutured; moreover, me indicating that I could perform the procedure was uncalled for. The fact is, I was told in confidence that he was undergoing the operation and only close friends, family and CascadeClimbers.com subscribers are to know of the delicate procedure. Note: Human Neutering is completly different from a Vasectomy. A few interesting facts about the surgery TRASK will be under going, He will be calmer, more loving, and dependable once the undeniable urge to mate has been removed. In addition, he will be less prone to destructive (chewing, digging) and aggressive behavior. The neutered male will live longer as well, given that he won't be tempted to fight with others due to his sexual aggression. TRASK is a social animal and enjoys the company of other people. But unless he is altered soon, he cannot have a friend, either of the opposite sex, or the same sex, due to sexual and aggressive behaviors triggered by hormones. Like many disorders, education is important and everyones support is appretiated. Sincerely TS
  11. To OFFWHITE, quote: -------------------------------------------------- As far as your suggestion that I am "coddling" Anna because I want into her pants, you really are an ignorant twit, aren't you? -------------------------------------------------- Ignorant...in other words, unaware or unknowing... yes I suppose I am ignorant as to your intentions and motives for coddling. That part you only know I guess. Why did you coddle? As for being a twit, maybe you got me there, I guess thats a matter of opinion. Lets take a vote, who says I'm a twit?
  12. Oh lets cut the horse shit, don't kid yourselves. quote: -------------------------------------------------- Lets try to keep the juvenile lockerroom machismo out of this board. [sleep] -------------------------------------------------- This website is 100% cerebral chewing gum. Believe me, if it wasn't for the mob mentality that makes up this site more than half the people here would leave.
  13. Interesting point SALBRECHER. I was thinking the same thing but thought I should keep my "cake hole" shut for a while.
  14. Trask and others alike, I think this discussion became heated for a few reasons but for me and a few others it's a simple question of truth. This "coddling" as Chips puts it is completly useless. Snoboy, Off White, Trask and many others, are you guys trying to get Anna in bed? WTF? Well maybe there is your answer for the unexplainable Coddling that is going on. (sorry anna) Comon guys, For Pete sake (if not for Anna's sake) and for the sake of anyone who relys on you for strong, sound, frank advise. Give this advise, and give it so it can be heard. No don't break friendships over it, just break the bad habbits.
  15. C'mon Trask, you've got some good "comebacks" This WAS a "troll" clever though, taking this shot, only to strike again later. your a funny shit, indeed it is a great day, I hope you enjoy it.
  16. Trask, what the hell are you talking about?
  17. To Anna, Take what you read here with a grain of salt. It's all just words on a screen. I can almost garentee that if we met at the airport, and went flying, we would have great time. You wouldn't suspect in million years that I was the asshole canadian. don't forget your GUMPS CB
  19. I would like to oppoligize publicly for my lack of discression and insensitive remark regarding him being neutured; moreover, me indicating that I could perfrom the procedure was uncalled for. I am not, I repeat NOT qualfied for this delicate proceedure. The fact is, I was told in confidence that he was undergoing the opperation and he only wanted close friends and family to know. Human Neutering is completly different from a Vasectomy. A few interesting facts about the surgery TRASK will be under going, He will be calmer, more loving, and dependable once the undeniable urge to mate has been removed. In addition, he will be less prone to destructive (chewing, digging) and aggressive behavior. The neutered male will live longer as well, given that he won't be tempted to fight with others due to his sexual aggression. TRASK is a social animal and enjoys the company of other people. But unless he is altered soon, he cannot have a friend, either of the opposite sex, or the same sex, due to sexual and aggressive behaviors triggered by hormones. Like many disorders, education is important and everyones support is appretiated. Trask, we are all with you. Sincerely TS
  20. Anna Keep in mind that the experience you shared isn't only about you. Your experience is a vehical that brings to light a larger bigger issue regarding safety and attitude. Your only getting hung here half as much as you think you are. This is a discussion about peoples attitude towards learning and self assessment. You have admitted your wrong, good for you, but you only need to do it once, so stop reliving the mistake. Regroup and move on. Take a side and contribute to this discussion. I sincerley hope you don't stop climbing due to your experience and you better not base that decision on what's written on this website.
  21. Hey Necronomicon, Bloody good post on page 8
  22. Well Snowboy, I think Anna took it the wrong way and failed to extract and process the message. Over confidence kills, I've seen it in aviation more than once. If you know anything about flight training, particularly military trainers, you would know the best instructors are assholes. They are asshole becuase they allow you to make stupid mistakes only once so you can fly again another day. Yes, they are rude. Why do you think Army Sergeants are such pricks? They are trained to train you to stay among the living. I'm sory if my application of aviation doctrine directed towards Anna was rude, but if she persues a career in aviation, she will meet much worse than me as a rooky pilot. Particularly in the north. That's life, the way it is. What else can I say. No I have never climbed with Anna, this fact is completly irrelevant to this entire discussion. Besides, since when did this forum grow manners, I'm not personaly atacking Anna. She is probably a great person. More reason to give Frank straight forward advise. Trask on the other hand... well, if I could I would personaly Neuter him. I could do it so he wouldn't even feel it.
  23. Muffy the Wanker Sprayer said it perfect: "I hold it as my responsability to my self and my climbing partners to represent my ability and experience as honestly as possible" well said, this is infact what I'm are talking about here. It seemed I was on my own on this notion, but i guess not, very good. You can take mule to water, but you can't make him drink it.
  24. Well it seems (SNOWBOY) that some other people besides myself and CHIPS do understand what we were talking about. Once again, forget about being rude or arrogant, It has nothing to do with it. NOTHING. What we are talking about is, Know thy self and know thy partner If you can't acept that at face value and process the notion in a usefull way...well then...I guess we'll read about ya in the obituaries. It's that simple, sorry was that rude?
  25. To ANNA, TRASK, OFF WHITE, IAIN, and anyone else who thinks their shit don't stink. I think I've more than proven that im a superior pilot over Anna. I wanted that known, for all to see. Moreover, I would like everyone here to know that I'm superior to every last one of you in every way concievable. There you go, asshole right. If you people can't accept constructive advise in the true spirit of helping others not make dangerous mistakes, then the HELL WITH YA!
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