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Everything posted by justplanecrazy

  1. Thanks Murray, at least someone on here can present a logical argument. Sounds like your right and its a bunch of people stirring the masses for no reason. I wasn't really looking forward to a soggy bunch of small paper sections with the ink running, taped together with duct tape to make a full map.
  2. I plan on going to one before I fork out the dough. I just thought I'd get some beta from guys that have used them for a whole season rather then take a few swings with each one and an hour later take a guess at what will work best. I'm kind of surprised, I thought there'd be some strong opinions out there.
  3. Is that printed on Tyvek with waterproof ink? It seems funny that there are so many people concerned about this that a website was started and companys like Map World are the ones complaining the loudest. If they can be produced for the same price as Map World was paying to receive them from the government, why would they care if they got them from the government or the printers down the road? Is that $12 - $15 what it costs them just for the paper and ink? If so I doubt a $3 retail mark up will pay for all the other costs involved in running a printing business as well as a map store. The map store alone will probably mark it up $3-5 and the printing store is where you have all your expenses.
  4. I think the point was an international service, meaning anywhere across Canada, not the few very popular areas where topos are in high demand.
  5. G-spotter, what private company is printing topo's? The only ones that I have or have ever seen are produced by NRCan. Are they available in Tyvek? Who printed it? Who produced it? Where can you buy it? Does it cover all of Canada or is it just available for a hadfull of popular areas across Canada? It'd be nice if you would provide some information rather than just ridicule.
  6. One more thing, a number of the e-mail addresses that Legs posted, are not active. It's best to e-mail the minister of Natural Resources Gary Lunn at Gary.Lunn@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca as well as e-mail your MLA. You can find your MLA's address by using this website: http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E
  7. Well not sure why G-spotter is so bent on ignoring the issue and letting the convienient and cheap maps dissapear. I for one agree with Legs and think that there will be not be a topographic map printed after the government shuts down the printers in Jan. 2007. In fact there are so many people that agree with legs that they've come up with their own website and I encourage you to visit it and take a second to send an e-mail or phone your MLA. If you like topos and want to be able to continue to buy them for $7.99 like g-spotter just did, then take a moment and write in. Thanks in advance for anyone that takes the time to do so. www.mapsforcanadians.ca Oh and G-spotter please take a business course then listen again to what legs is saying before making a fool of yourself.
  8. Not exactly a beginner, like I said it'll be WI5 and beginning mixed. I want an advanced tool for ice that'll work with mixed also. I'm still too scared to do the leashless thing. I would have dropped my tools a ton, especially with frozen hands after a day on a long multi pitch. I wanted to go with something that was borderline leashless, like quarks with the finger guard at the bottom and then consider it if I started feeling more confident about not dropping them.
  9. What's everyones favorites and why? I'm leaning towards the standard Quarks or Vipers. They'll be used for WI5 and beginner mixed. Anyone selling some tools in really good shape, let me know.
  10. I'm aiming for postal at 20 if you want to add another category... only 8 more to go.
  11. So the Slovenians were actually the true FA's for Infinite Patience, despite everyone in the world telling them otherwise??? Or how about the numerous climbers that just couldn't make it the final 100' to the summit of Everest, or Logan, or Denali and thus didn't claim a successful summit nor were they entered into any records as having made it, should we go back and congratulate them? It couldn't be that every single Alpine organization considers an FA of a peak to be reaching the summit and that maybe just maybe it is only a handfull of the people on this board that have a flawed logic??? Can you please define where the line is that you have to cross to call it a true summit then? Is it more than half way from the parking lot and no difficulties above or maybe it is 2/3 pie squared of the elevation minus the distance to sea level. A true ascent is a summit aka top of the freakin' mountain or the top of the intended route if it wasn't a summit bid. Please help me discover the true ways oh master
  12. Damn I should have read this earlier!!! Rules regarding posts violating congratulational protocol: 1. Think about what you're going to say, but before you type it, drink a bottle of rye, watch broke back mountain and bang your head against all the female rights pamphlets scattered on top of your keyboard. 2. be sure to take any possible insinuations from any posts and stretch them into full blown anti-female,semite,hippy,virgin,barnyard lover, grossly over stated facts. 3. If someone asks a logical question or makes a logical statement be sure to jump all over them for whatever the hell is making your crotch itch but be sure to never make any attempt at dealing with the question or statement that provoked the response 4. Just because someone is congratulating the girl in question doesn't mean that they're not a female hating, wife beating, cross burning, baby eating satanist who's goal in life is to take away the womans right to vote
  13. FUCK!!! I guess I should have just come out and said Bitch get in the fucking kitchen and bake me some apple pie!!!! Instead of slapping my penis, why don't you read my fucking posts and realise that I'm actually giving her props also. The way it was originally posted, it sounded like the next big step in Alpinism. I understand that it's a bunch of friends ass slapping and I think that's great. If anyone is questioning her accomplishment, its because it originally came across sounding like a solo ascent of everest in a bikini. As much fun as its been watching you guys stick up for her like the presidents security watching his daughter tour a trailer park on welfare day, I think I'll retire from this thread and watch someone else giving props get slammed.
  14. Well dip me in shit and roll me in peanuts! That changes everything doesn't it? I'm out of peanuts but are you saying that a comment from the Newbie at the climbing gymn should hold as much weight as someone like Barry Blanchard when referring to an Alpine climbing route? Joe knows his shit and doesn't roll in it. He's probably just a little baffled as to what all the hype is about, as am I. Good to see that Pandora her self is surprised at this thread and doing these climbs because she loves it, not to brag on cc.com otherwise I'd probably join Griz in the mud slinging. On that note congratulations Hannah, whoever you are. No one's hyping her as if she deserved a medal or the front cover or Alpinist magazine here, Einstein. The fact that you and Barry Whoever seem to think that we are says volumes about you and your ilk's reading comprehension skills, as well as your overly-sensitive, testosterone-poisoned egos. 7 pages of congratulations and you don't think its hype?? Fuck I post a question about the difficulty of the climb and congratulate the girl for climbing for the love of climbing and I'm the overly-sensitive, testosterone-poisoned ego???? If you weren't trying to get in the poor girls pants, you'd probably reply with some route beta you fucking neanderthals.
  15. Well dip me in shit and roll me in peanuts! That changes everything doesn't it? I'm out of peanuts but are you saying that a comment from the Newbie at the climbing gymn should hold as much weight as someone like Barry Blanchard when referring to an Alpine climbing route? Joe knows his shit and doesn't roll in it. He's probably just a little baffled as to what all the hype is about, as am I. Good to see that Pandora her self is surprised at this thread and doing these climbs because she loves it, not to brag on cc.com otherwise I'd probably join Griz in the mud slinging. On that note congratulations Hannah, whoever you are.
  16. If this were in a magazine, these would be my thoughts exactly. Seeing as she's a friend to a lot of people on this board then I can understand all the back/ass slapping going on. Hell if I did Robson, I'd expect all of my friends to pat me on the back but if someone posted it on here like it was some big accomplishment, those that didn't know me would care less. As far as it being the smart thing to do, I've never considered glacier travel solo a smart thing to do. Maybe as you say, the Cascades crevasses don't swallow people in the middle of the winter. As far as soloing Slipstream, you know your ability and you know the difficulty of the route, its not walking over fresh snow with huge gaping holes underneath. Joe's got ten times more experience and balls then 99% of the posters on here and he's simply calling it like he sees it.
  17. I don't know, I think Drifter has a point. When you're doing a trip where a significant reason is to summit a mountain that hasn't been climbed, then you need to be honest about actually making it to the summit or not. Just look at what happend when the Slovenians claimed to have completed the new route on the Emperor Face. I think Drifter is a little over the top, getting steamed over this, but you still have to be truthfull about claims especially summit claims. Alpinfox was far enough away that he was worried about the time it would take him to get to the summit and back to his party. That definatley doesn't sound like the difference between standing on a cornice or standing beside it, he was still a long ways from the summit.
  18. Thanks avitripp. Is this the only school of this type??? I'm having a heck of a time trying to find anything else out there.
  19. I believe its the 2004 model of the Freney Pro. I picked up the Cumbre 2003 model brand new for $300 CAD. I think they're a $5-600 boot now and are really well made. My only concern is that they feel a little clunky and have insulation in them. The Freney Pro feels like it would be a lot more forgiving on the long approaches but I don't know if it'll perform on the harder terrain. They have one for $300 also and it is regularly a $460 boot. Is the Cumbre geared for straight Ice and the Freney not usable on Ice? Should I trade the Cumbre for the Freney and use my plastics for Ice and the Freney for Alpine?
  20. Trying to decide which model I should go with. I plan on doing several long approaches like Robson and Forbes so I want something that doesn't hinder my approach but I also want something with enough support for some hard rock alpine routes and long snow/ice faces. I have plastics right now but need something that'll allow me to walk without looking like I belong on a ski hill. Will the Freney's work on stiff terrain?
  21. I'm stuck in Regina with work and although I've been able to hook up with my friends in Calgary once or twice a month to feed the climbing bug, the gas bills are getting huge. Anyone out there who's in the same boat??? If you want rides and live in Regina, Moose Jaw, Swift Current even Medicine Hat, let me know. I'll even paint my car yellow and pick up every climber with-in 50km north and south of Highway #1, if it means I can still afford the gas. If you're in Saskatoon and interested, drop me a line, I woudn't mind hitting up Nordegg during the winter for some ice climbing either. If you know of any home gymns in Regina, please talk to me... any climbing info at all is a life saver. Going Crazy on the Prairies, Shaun.
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