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Posts posted by Toast

  1. Women over 30.


    that's OK -- we used to think men under 30 were cool. then we realized how much work it is to train them *where's the whip cracking icon when i need it*


    I love women over 30 and pay extra for whip-cracking.

    Well then come right in and make yourself comfortable.


    Since when do you like them to be comfortable?

    Are you turning a new, softer more gentle, leaf in front of our very eyes?


    I always knew you were just a big softies!



    Hey Guys, Kirk's talking about Archie's big softies smileysex5.gif

  2. You'll need slings and biners too. Eight to twelve 24" sewn spectra slings is a good start. Try to keep them the same color so you can quickly identify single vs. doubles. I use two to four doubles to supplement this (especially for wandery alpine routes.)


    People will rack differently, but I tend to rack my singles in trippled quickdraw fashion with two biners each. If so, two dozen lightweight wire gate biners is a good start. Again, I'll pick a specific style or color to quickly identify which go with my slings.


    Also a general buying tip, you'll get discounts buying in quantity, so it's more expensive to buy things one off the way you are. Save your pennies in a piggy bank and make a larger purchase all at once.

  3. I would say to just go out and start hitting up mountains.. (well that's how it was it colorado- you could do 14ers that were walk-ups and graduate to harder more technical climbs)..


    as for the cascades.....


    You're telling this to a total noob. A lot of us started out that way and are just plain lucky we're still around. It took my roommate getting hit with a rock to wake me up. Why not stack the odds in your favor, read a book, find a mentor, or get some training... jeesh.

  4. Is there such a thing as a geek magnet? Are geeks attracted to a certain type of chick?


    Archie, show me your ass and I'll show you a geek magnet. wazzup.gif

  5. Jens, I'd be very interested in seeing a pic of how you strap yours in. I bought mine second hand and have strapped in the way Dave described. I did fall out once a couple years ago, and that scared the crap out of me. If there's a more secure way, I'm all ears.

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