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Everything posted by E-rock

  1. I need to be held afterwards... [ 09-30-2002, 07:25 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  2. Fence sitter will you snuggle with me?
  3. quote: Originally posted by Fence Sitter: wrong e-rock! ...scientist as a rule of thumb are 95% liberal hippes...given that it is easy to interpolate that they have an agenda...not that i give a shit...casue one way or another shit aint gonna change especially form bantering on some fucking website...if you are that ocncerned go bitch to your poloticians i'm sure they are used to long winded trite bull shit comming from people that make up 90% of their statistics... I almost didn't wanna waste my time with this Fence Sitter because every argument that comes out of your mouth is based on a political ideology and not facts. You think because yo've been in school for a year or two you know who 95%of scientists are or where 90% of statistics come from? I've got some more statistics for you that sound a lot like your own. 99% of all violent crime is commited by minorities. 99.9% of all men who work in flower shops are gay
  4. quote: Originally posted by trask: Why thankyou JK, if you'll go to my profile picture, you'll see all of me. Hey trask, you think she'll take a few open handed slaps and talk dirty, do ya, huh!?
  5. quote: Originally posted by Cleophus: Nah. I much prefer the Mac and Jack's African Amber in my kegerator. Stuck here at work though, it might be awhile before I get one. I'm not riled yet anyway. I get it, he's a frat boy. HEELLL YEAH!
  6. Fairweather, I think you make some interesting points but I also think youmay be pointig the blame at the wrong people. The earth scientists who are performing this sort of research couldn't care one way or the other what radical lefties and politcal anarchists think or say. They don't have money in their NSF grants to wage public opinion campaigns that would promote their arguements or distance them from radicals. In general, interpretations in the Earth Sciences tend to be some of the most conservative of all the sciences. Modern Cosmology wouldn't be where it is today if guys like Stephen Hawking were as chicken shit as geologists can be. I think that the people that you consider to be left-wing wackos on this site are actually much closer to the middle than you realize.
  7. I fart more than anyone I know, and if I eat right they stink worse than this thread.
  8. Omigod I wanna go. It sounds like the Thumb in Little Cottonwood canyon, only more sustained and twice as long (with a rap descent instead of a dangerous bushwack). Unfortunately responsibility calls this weekend.
  9. I'm looking for a partner to head out to Little Si with me tomorrow afternoon. I have to work in the morning and will hopefully be done by noon (I'll be in the U district). I just wanna go out and do a few routes before dark. I also have a modest project (Godflesh 11a) that I'd like to attempt to redpoint tomorrow. Anyone game. I can drive, you just gotta meet me at my house on Capitol Hill around noon-thirty. I know this is late notice, but don't be shy, chime in if you wanna crank.
  10. I know this is getting out of hand... But there's another great book about societal outcasts and their struggles with mormons. "The man who fell in love with the moon" by Tom Spanbauer describes the struggle between the inhabitants of a Brothel in a small Idaho town and the mormon authorities. It's an extremely difficult book to read, because the scenes of violence completely overpower you. I cried like baby all over the pages. But then again I'm a sensitive little ninny white boy who doesn't have a very high opinion of mormon culture. I think T.S. lives in Portland or Eugene now.
  11. I'll second DFA's recomendation of the Monkey Wrench Gang, if you've spent any time in the Utah Desert then you've probably fantasized about doing exactly what Ed Abbey describes.
  12. "I think this group's too sensitive for me. Cryin' over violence in a book? Brace up, man! Goddamnit, don't make the likes of Ernest Shackleton, George Patton, and Teddy R. roll over in their graves any more! Wait a minute...there are a few exceptions...kids...puppies...Bambi...oh never mind." If you can read his descriptions of a leg amputation performed with a bottle of whiskey, a wood saw, and a hot frying pan without crying then you are strong indeed. Besides crying is good for the soul. page TOP [ 09-20-2002, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: E-rock ]
  13. I don't recall anyone asking you for any opinion either. I am now going to be the official voice of butt-lovin PC-dom on cc.com. I will hunt down and scold all homo-phobia posted in the annals ( ) of this glorious web site. As for being cool, I am well beyond the age of caring, and as we're both sitting here being computer nerds instead of doing something worthwhile I'd say that neither one of us is an authority on the matter.
  14. quote: Originally posted by RopeGunHooker: They are scheduled for relocation to right up your anus next. Gee ropegunhooker, that one was really well thought out. I suppose your penis is also scheduled for relocation. Homosexual jokes about things being inserted in others rectums aren't very creative, especially when they have no context within what was being said (i.e. DFA's joke had no hint of butt-lovin inuendo)
  15. I'm the queer guy, not the chick.
  16. Hey, where'd you find my picture!!!
  17. Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delaney, it is long and sad. It has graphic scenes of homosexual, heterosexual and group sex. The greatest novel ever written in my humble opinion. It changed my life. Currently reading: The Physics of Immortality by Frank J. Tipler. Some comologist who thinks he's proven the existence of God... but at the end of time, He doesn't exist now. The Water Method Man, by John Irving Gog, by Andrew Sinclair- Some wierd tale about English mythology and an amnesiac who is repeatedly ambushed, beaten, and fucked by his sadistic wife (now that I think about it it's really good, I haven't picked it up in a few weeks cuz I was getting bored) Stress and Strain, by Winthrop Means. Continuum Mechanics for Geologists... rock porn.
  18. MtnGoat is the master of the point/counter-point argument technique. All of your counterpoints can be refuted in the same manner as you have just done to the previous arguments. Not that I care to get into that...
  19. Erik, my name is Erik, too. We'd make a real cute couple...
  20. I need a climbing partner this weekend for fun and possible LTR. My current partner called it quits for the season the other day when he flailed on lead on a route that he thought he should be able to climb. I'm thinking about Leavenworth (Outer Space and others) or climbing in Tieton. I'm right on the cusp of leading 5.10 cracks and I need to keep at it before the season ends. I can climb Sat-Sun for sure and could possibly add a Friday or Monday onto that. UB around the same ability level, willing to swap leads, and enthusiastic. Readers of Maxim Magazine and drivers of shiney new SUV's need not apply.
  21. quote: Originally posted by Alex: how can you be anti-Maxim magazine???? I prefer to go to bed with women who want to be with me, rather than learn ways to deceive them into "giving it up". If rohipnol were legal maxim magazine wouldn't exist...
  22. On friday I ran into an older woman in the Index parking lot. She said her name was Pat Murphy, she's from Auburn, and she owns the property that the Index town walls are on. Apparently her father owned the quarry and she inherited the land. She said that the parking lot was on her land and that the people of Index put it there without her permission. She was a very friendly woman, and said she had no problems with me climbing there, but it bothered her that people could start developing on her land without any permission. She said that now "Parks" (whoever that is) wants to buy the land. Has anyone heard about any of this before? I was under the impression that it was public land. I guess I don't really have much commentary to add, I was baffled by the whole experience. She seemed concerned that climbers were going to start moving boulders at the base of the cliff near the most recent rockfall...!? However she was most upset by what she perceives to be actions commited by the people who live in Index (like the parking lot, and some no-trespassing signs were removed a few years ago). Overall I had a very pleasant conversation with her.
  23. electrical... I'll be the guy with the black nail-polish and eye-liner. I'm sooo Goth.
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