paul parker was the designer for tua. tua skis have a long and excellent reputation as telemark skis. i ski some right now and love them dearly. they missed the boat on making fatter skis apparently, due to the unwillingness of the new owner to get with the program. then they went bankrupt.
incidentally, paul parker also wrote the bible on telemark skiing and was responsible for developing the first plastic telemark boots.
when tua went out of business, i became rather concerned about not being able to replace my aging setup, so i considered it to be wonderful news when paul parker moved to g3 and came out with these new skis. i pawed them over at rei and they are wonderful. i have not heard any reports of people skiing them, and yes, there might be some production flaws - the skis are built in northern africa somewhere!! - but, based on paul parker's previous work, i have no doubt that their design is excellent.