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Everything posted by Dennis_Harmon

  1. Dennis_Harmon


    I don't really give a frigging rat's ass if I was wrong or not. I've been wrong before, and I'm sure that I'll be wrong again before I die. That's called being human and actually taking a stance on an issue, rather than considering everything in shades of grey for fear that I may actually be proven to be wrong. Regardless, there are still too many bolts being drilled in my sacred rock and I want to know why? Stop it. There are future generations that might actually climb better than you ever will. Dennis
  2. Don't even try it, jerk-wad. Without a damned computer you'd be screwed in just about anything you'd do. Can you try driving to work for just one day without a frigging cell-phone in your ear? I doubt it. Dennis
  3. Dennis_Harmon


    Thank you Fairweather... and well said. I pride myself on my sense of integrity and honesty and I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. Accusing an entire generation of being un-ethical and un-patriotic was wrong. But I still think that they're drilling too damned many bolts. Dennis
  4. Gimpy, How do you assume that they are, "scum coated cracks anyway," in your words. Have you ever scuba-climbed in Lake Chelan? And regarding your bouyancy issue, once we achieve our desired route at whatever depth it is, we completely deflate our BCD's and dry-suits so that we remain extremely negatively bouyant throughout our climbs. That way, we know that we're no cheating. If you have any further doubts, just bring your dive and climbing gear over and we'll take you out. Try it.. you'll like it. Dennis
  5. I had someone above here post under the pseudonym, "Dennis the Menace." I assure you that we are not the same. My avatar, as you call it, is my real name, Dennis Harmon, and I live in Wenatchee. Please don't confuse us. Thanks, Dennis
  6. Dennis_Harmon


    What in the hell is this "avatar" horse-shit? I am who I am and I'm not going to hide behind some yuppie version of what has traditionally been called a pseudonym. My name is Dennis Harmon and I live in Wenatchee. If you want to come kick my ass... better bring a lunch. Dennis
  7. Now who in the hell is this 'klar404' moron? I have to assume that you're a homosexual trolling for anal sex and that you don't even climb. Please stay the hell off of my posts, and thank you. Dennis
  8. Dennis_Harmon


    JayB, Looks like my rant on this theme really went to hell on page five. I guess I need to apoligize, but just as I never said I was a Vietnam vet, I never said you can only give back to the country by doing military service either. That was also assumed. Congratulations on what you've done, and you should be proud. Thank you, Sir. Dennis
  9. icegirl, Sorry bout that. I did mean to say heliox or trimix istead of nitrox. You can get PADI training in nitrox over here but there's no one I know who is qualified to teach trimix over here. Who would you recommend, or who were you trained by over there? Dennis
  10. No, we're not nitrox trained. Can someone get that kind of training over here in Wenatchee? Please PM at your convenience. Dennis
  11. Dennis_Harmon


    Point taken SK. Most of my rant was hyperbole and if I offended anyone, I'm sorry. I'll shut up now and go to bed. Dennis
  12. Dennis_Harmon


    What the Generation-Xers need is a very good war. Some good, wholesome, fufilling work that will kill off about two million of them. I'm told that there's nothing like a good artillery barrage to bring people back down to earth. Dennis
  13. Wow, icegirl, good suggestion! Do you suppose that we could rent an air compressor with a 300' hose and a submersable drill here in Wenatchee from Herb's Rent-All? We could then station the air compressor on an anchored inflatable Zodiac and put up, or should I say down, some really kick-ass sport routes. I can't wait to start nameing them. If you ever get over to this area bring your scuba-climbing gear and give me a PM. Dennis
  14. Dennis_Harmon


    JayB, Basically what you're saying is that you've never done squat for your country and you're going to try to turn the argument around. Just admit it, lad, you've done nothing and never will. Dennis
  15. Dennis_Harmon


    Rurp, I agree that every citizen of this nation should be compelled to a two year commitment in the American Service Corp, or the military. But they should all have to give something back. Dennis
  16. Dennis_Harmon


    Hey Rurp and Jon, Read back over and you'll see that I never claimed to be a Vietnam vetern. I may be rude, but I'll never be that rude. All I'm saying is that the current generation of youth of America hasn't paid any price whatsoevever to enjoy the freedoms and bounties of liberty. Dennis
  17. Dru, What in the world does cave-diving have to do with scuba-climbing? If you can show any degree of corillation (SP) between the two please let me know. All I can figure about your argument is that you figure that because we both share water as a median, both sports must then be the same. Try not to be so narrow-minded. Dennis
  18. Dennis_Harmon


    JayB, I still want an honest answer to my original question... What in the heck have you done for your country? And I still bet that you can't answer it. Dennis
  19. Dennis_Harmon


    jon, I guess that what I'm saying is, "What the hell have you ever given back to this nation that has nurtured, educated, and given you the freedom to express yourself on a forum such as this one? And what in the hell have you done, or contributed, to deserve it?" Or is it just something that mommy and daddy owes you? Dennis
  20. Dennis_Harmon


    btowle, For what it's worth, I grew up in a relatively small(60K pop)town within walking distance of Ft. Hood, Texas (the largest army instillation in N. America.) I don't know if that supports or opposes your theory, but there it is. Regarding your argument that those raised in small/rural settings tend to be more self-reliant, as opposed to those brought up in the 'Big City' being heavily dependent on 'Big Brother' for all their problems, is probably more true than false. Thanks for your post. Dennis
  21. Dennis_Harmon


    JayB, I never said that I'm a Vietnam vetern, but I am a Vietnam era vetern, i.e. Saigon fell while I was in medic training at Ft. Sam Houston, Texas. Any assumptions that anyone made concerning my service is theirs'. I did spend two and a half years as a flight-medic aboard a MAST helicopter ambulance out of Ft. Carson, Colorado, so I tend to take these recent tragedies a little personally. So now, tell me again, what exactly have you done for your country? Dennis
  22. I've tried to never sand-bag anyone other than colleagues of equal or better competency than me. But I was told once that the 'Casual Route' on the Diamond was "casual" It ain't. Dennis
  23. Dennis_Harmon


    Jon, Where are you, lad? Off fighting for your country? I do know BS when I hear it. Dennis
  24. Dennis_Harmon


    I have to state that the youth of America tend to be liberals and that liberals bug me anymore. They seem to think that anything goes and that everything is relative... that strong opinions are bad because you could be accused of being opinionated. Generation-Xers, and the following generation which I choose to call Gen-A-holes, are a breed apart from what this nation was built on. Think about it. These kids have not known war or sacrifice or given anything back to this nation. They have only taken, and taken, and taken and been spoiled rotten by their parents. It's little wonder that they are wont to walk far from their SUVs and are rampantly destroying the rock with their cordless drill technology. They are selfish... and I'll keep on saying it. Dennis
  25. Seriously folks, we are actually doing scuba-climbing, so far only in Lake Chelan, but the potential is vast. Does anyone have information concerning a type of cordless drill that functions underwater? There are many submerged routes on the north shore (near Granite Point) that only need a bolt or two to go. Any information would be appreciated. Dennis
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