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Posts posted by Attitude

  1. AlpineK said:

    DFA you're full of shit there is no war in Iraq. wazzup.gif

    It's just a ploy by Big Oil to raise gasoline prices. The footage on TV was shot in Hollywood. The actors are covering by protesting the "war." Michael Moore is actually the director for the scenes staged in "Baghdad." If you look closely, you can see Ben Afflick dressed up as an Iraqi



  2. Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

    iain said:

    Iraq might have chemical weapons!


    Iain, you think you're so damn smart, but did you ever stop to consider that maybe, just MAYBE, Iraq might have chemical weapons?

    HEY, listen! Iraq might have chemical weapons! boxing_smiley.gif

  3. youngprofessor said:


    moderators…maybe you want to place this post (and jg’s bluuuuuuberry soup post) in the rainier thread (since these two posts are on topic, and the thread is closed), if/when jg responds, perhaps you could place his PHOTOS and response there?? thank you kindly.

    --> Spray blush.gif

  4. Dru said:

    they dont use that anymore


    the new standard is exactly 1 trillion, 375 billion, 094 million, 282 thousand, 258 hydrogen atoms (no deuterium or tritium).

    Counting the little bastards is a pain in the ass, though.


    1 atom


    2 atoms,


    Hey, quit moving! madgo_ron.gifcantfocus.gif

  5. Bug said:

    Does anyone know a good reference on the effects of altitude on physiology?

    I believe the reference book on the topic is "High Altitude Medicine and Physiology " by Ward, Milledge, and West. I have the 3rd Edition (2000) sitting in front of me.


    They say:


    The barometric pressure at the Earth's surface and at 24 km is essentially independent of latitude. However, in the range of about 6-16 km, there is a pronounced bulge in the barometric pressure near the equator in winter and summer.


    Therefore, Everest at 6 km has more oxygen than Denali at 6 km. They say the cause is a very large mass of very cold air in the stratosphere above the equator.

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