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Everything posted by sk

  1. No offense taken sugar, we are all here to have a good time
  2. no more lurking bad boy we like it better when you come out to play do you need a bandaid
  3. Thats little woman and to you, lighten up, stinky and I have an understanding. When he is mean, I am mean back, when he is nice I am nice too
  4. HEY, happy day Alpine K... Just think 100 yrs ago I could of had a job hooray for freaks and geeks [ 05-29-2002, 01:46 PM: Message edited by: sk ]
  5. jon was just overwhelmed by my beauty and charm He couldn't concentrate... it was all my fault
  6. I'll put you to work in my kitchen. Someday you'll make someone a fine househusband
  7. quote: Originally posted by Chaseabbott: We sacrifice easy handles for Mt. Margaritas. Besides.... I like Child labor. Their little fingers can sew much smaller than the little old ladies making my Patagonia fleece. Long live sweatshops. They don't HAVE to work there. They just rather not starve. Is that so wrong? Corprate slave You buy that line so you can sleep at night don't you. You better watch out or I'll sick sneaky fingers on you
  8. quote: Originally posted by sk: I thaught it ment he sucked male chickens Poptart, I stand by my orriginal answer to that question
  9. I'm Always up for a climb and a beer, just let us know when you will be here
  10. I'll have you know my rock shoes smell like roses Oh, I'm an oregon gaper
  11. ya lost me there, what are you talking about?
  12. quote: Originally posted by mtnrgr: sk you're a wuss! What ever happened to the hard core punk of old? Long drives and Kids are just an excuse to stay home and go to a fair or something. You just know way too much about me now EUGENE PUB CLUB!!!!
  13. You shouldn't talk about me like that
  14. D, I would totaly be there if it were not a 5 or 6 hour drive A bit far to get smashed and try to drive home sk:borntospray
  15. Good question. We had no trouble with people. It was anawsome weekend to be at Smith, for sure
  16. quote: Originally posted by mtnrgr: Such a long thread and trad climbing was barely mentioned. Smith rock is not as bad as I thought I had a Blast. Thanks sk, jk, Anna, Bell, and E & J. We had alot of fun too MORE CAMPING more beer(pbr, annie style) more anna singing MUCH MORE rock climbing BTW we watched part of full meatle jacket last night on cable, take it easy sk:borntospray
  17. Ruddersbox, dude, you rock;)
  18. Amber, you better watch your back girl! thease are my boys Go find your own playground bimbo I will pee on you from the next pitch Capt Caveman style. GO AWAY sk:borntospray
  19. agape 1: wide open: gaping 2: being in a sate of wonder
  20. to eat you goof And I don't remember inviting you, as you were not at the bend pub club
  21. When are you all comming here?
  22. We had a great time too!!! thankyou thankyou thankyou. whens the next party?
  23. I thaught it ment he sucked male chickens
  24. isn't that what my auto sig says?
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