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Everything posted by Bug

  1. Duct Tape isn't just for guys anymore.
  2. Aye laddybuck, an e still on't make a long distance call on it.
  3. I went to a garage sale yesterday and picked up a pair of Koflach Degre's for $1. I also got a Grivel ice ax for $1. Neither one of them has any sign that they were ever used. Now that's a Christmas special for my daughter.
  4. Bug

    what now?

    On a similar note, that being random nueral firings, that first friend who moved in was a ferry worker. When he and I moved out of the apt on LQA we went our separate ways. We bumped into each other a couple times but fell out of touch for a few years. The second time I got married, my wife and I were taking the ferry to Orcas for our honeymoon and there was my friend on deck. He arranged for us to go up to the bridge and introduced us to the captain. After awhile, the captain asked me if I wanted to man the helm. So in the middle of the night on the way to my honeymoon suite I was steering the ferry and reliving UFO stories with an old friend and the captain. My wife was just very releived to be out of the public area as there was another bride on board wearing the same wedding dress.
  5. Bug

    what now?

    I lived on lower QueerAnne for a couple years and frequented the Belltown scene when it was "Really" cool. I met an old friend there one night and he ended up moving into my spare room. Then he met an old childhood friend down there who was homeless so he moved into the front hall. From there it was a slippery slide into the Seattle netherworld of exotic dancers, pimps, and the occaisional yuppie divorcee (no. I wasn't married yet in those days). Well as it turned out, this homeless guy was one helluva poet and wrote his poetry on my walls. It was a masterpiece. Seriously. We talked him into publishing which he tried to do but never quite made it. But in the process he got back into a job, a life, and seeing his son. Oh, he heard voices too. And saw UFO's over Seattle all the time. On a road trip in the Sanora desert he had a phsycic tell him that he was the captain of a space ship and they would come back for him as soon as they could. But to get back to the point, I was walking toward the Croc one night and there he was in a white plastic jump suit getting a bj on the sidewalk. As I walked by he said "hi" and tried to point out a UFO over the space needle. I never saw him again. I heard he was in Pheonix working in a book store.
  6. Bug

    what now?

    I miss Belltown.
  7. Hey fern. Sorry if I seem serious. My frigin back is strained and I can't climb so I wanted to bite something. I unfairly chose your post.
  8. Uh, was she lactating? Have we met? Sometimes, in an effort to stoke a party, I get loud. If no one else gets in the spirit, that is at least as much their fault as mine. Although, granted, I am older and weirder than most. Well except Ivan. I think he is weirder but he also tries harder. Maybe its just who you know or are willing to know. Layton seemed like a great partier and seemed to be having some fun at rope-up. Then he turned around and posted we were not as friendly as OR. I don't mean to rag on him, it is just that he posted and therefor is an obvious example. I tried to talk to him with some success and he seems like an interesting guy with a great sense of humor. I also tried to talk to several other people who were only marginally interested in acknowledging my existence. I could focus on those experiences or focus on the people who did endure my boorish company and exchange some stories and what-not. And I really do not "know" anybody from CC.com well. Rope-up and a few pubclubs and scattered climbing trips with many different people is my experience. In general, they are all great people. Seattle is huge and the options for climbing are a little more spread out than the Portland/Bend area. This is especially true of the realative rockclimbing options. My impression was that there were a lot of people there who knew very few other people. There really wasn't a central click or unwillingness to party as much as just plain selfconcious conservativism. So don't take this as a "rag". Just get out there and party. Smile first. Smile back. Smile often.
  9. Go home. There is no skiing here. OK, OK. Snow is popping up all over. Still not enough to get excited about but you mentioned the obvious places. Rainier from Paradise to Muir is the only one you missed. Watch out for crevasses on Baker & Rainier. Stay off the glaciers for the most part. Crevasses are barely covered right now. Snow here is not like the rockies. Deep slush. Avy danger is much more common due to rapidly changing temps and wet conditions. Still can find powder but you have to jump on it while it is here. It can turn to mush in 12 hrs. All in all, I prefer the rockies but we do get more snow here. Just pay attention to conditions. Keep the avy report in your favs and keep a running record in your mind. We see old wet layers become slide surfaces weeks later.
  10. Bug

    Way 2 Beautiful girl..

    On the UM Campus we had lots of turn of the century 3 story brick buildings. They all had a trim thing on the corners where the brick stuck out a little making for a perfect 5.7 boulder problem. There was a route across campus up one side, traverse the window sills, down the other, on to the next building. As Mikey was pulling across on the third floor, an arm suddenly lurched out and grabbed his arm. There was a huge janitor staring him in the face. He told Mikey the same thing, "Things aren't so bad." Mikey said, "I'm just buildering." and the Janitor threatened to throw him off. Make up your mind dude.
  11. Are they? We want proof.
  12. Cool. Thanks for keeping us updated.
  13. You are wrong from the start you idiot. When you dissagree with them, you are only displaying your contemptable disdain for all things pure and good. Rush 101.
  14. Um, I own rental properties and am pretty familiar with who gets the bills. Like the housing market, the rental market is cyclical. I have to charge a competative rate. Unlike the housing market, my taxes don't seem to go up and down. I have to pay them no matter what I am collecting in rent. So you are not paying more or less in taxes on the rent you collect?
  15. [quote=G-spotter If you own a car but choose not to drive it on the public roads, you will either have to leave it parked on your property,. or find storage from it. Storing cars on your property can reduce the property value (especially the old rusting ones parked on the lawn) .. That's what blackberry bushes are for stupid.
  16. That's what most abused women have in common isn't it? Anyway, if you have to be abusive, this seems like the best place. I like a spirited arguement. It would just be nice to get a few more substantive posts per capita if you are going to bash people for your own behaviors. The result is tediom.
  17. You seem to be catching up quickly with you're abusive posts that are rarely backed up by aything but machismo.
  18. Careful G-. You may be exposing a "character flaw".
  19. So are you proposing a Constitutional Ammendment to abolish the right to assemble? We do have laws in place to prosecute people who break them. Civil disobedience is the only recourse to a law that prevents participation in the legal system.
  20. no, we are not. Only those of you who bought into Bush's lies beleive that. The vast majority of the world population dissagrees with you.
  21. The folks who bother to vote voter turnout stats well, gee, W was reelected with the highest voter turnout since Tricky Dick was first elected. My point exactly. I am ashamed for my country. We are war mongers.
  22. How about Gahndi? Should his followers have stood at the side of the road? Your arguement lacks teeth as would a meek protest. I submit that this presidency is over-stepping it's powers. Not in it's power to dissiminate troops but in it's manipulation of intelligence and deliberate lying to or stonewalling of the Congressional oversight committees that were established to maintain the "Balance of powers". We should all be out in the middle of the road. I am ashamed of my generation. They stood up so they would not have to go to war but they continue to elect war mongers, liars, and then sit on their hands while thousands of people die needlessly.
  23. When every adult has access to the voting booth and appeals to the courts to preserve the rights defined in the constitution and the bill of rights - the moral and intellectual justifications that one can employ on behalf of such actions are few. I believe that the only reason that the first "action" succeeded is because the protesters included non-consenting parties - in this case children - in their ranks, and the police felt that they weren't properly staffed or equipped to forcibly remove the children from the scene. Nice. I'm not comfortable leaving it to the mob to define what's legal and what's not, which purposes the infrastructure can and cannot be used for, etc. I may not always agree with the law or the legislature - but in cases where everyone has recourse to the courts and the voting booth - I much prefer letting the courts and the legislature make these decisions. I lived through the sixties and lost friends in VietNam. If we invade Iran, these "kids" in the video will be forced to man the front lines of another unwinnable war. Do you believe the war in VietNam was a just war? Did we belong there? Would the legislature have done anything to stop it without the protests of "the kids" of the 60's? I seriously doubt it. Your abortion arguement is not about an external war we CAN and should avoid engaging in. Why launch more huge machines in order to take more human lives? Abortion rights WERE legislated via MASSIVE citizen involvement including huge marches. I understand that we are both talking about human life. I submit that the cause and effect are different (money, power), and therefore require different tactics. The religious right continues to support candidates, including Bush, who only pay lip service to pro-life legislation. Why don't THEY pull the plug on these candidates they so heartily support even after they know they have been used and lied to?
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