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Everything posted by Avatar

  1. sk, my avatar is for sale cheap. it is original and was stolen from vegtablebelay. wait, that's a contradiction. anyhoo, its for sale and i don't need spanked or anything.
  2. goldschlagger, you are a sissy boy and a drunk. mark twit is my hero b/c he has climbed with that woman in that magazine where she's grabbin that arete with one hand and hanging over space. you, schlagger, are not a shasta slogger until you have climbed that mountain THROUGH THE CORE in a secret alien tunnel with a matching hat and purse with those fuzzy dingleberries on them. you and a hundred other new-age freaks.
  3. Avatar takes full responsibility for its actions. The poster signifies the coming change. The CC.com will never be the same! I AM AVATAR!!! I AM AVATARRRRRRR !!!!!!!
  4. Avatar

    Girl Repellent

    I have spawned 100's of offspring and it hasn't slowed me down yet. Women/men come and women/men go. I AM AVATAR!! That is all I need. To hear your little bitching about how you wish you were me. I need not date. I AM AVATAR!!
  5. has anyone skied liberty ridge lately?
  6. Do not fear, during the last deluge i came to save you. I dig you smartasses and will not let you die. Meanwhile, PM me your credit card numbers.
  7. Avatar

    where dey at?

    Avatar is always here! What do you want happyboy?
  8. Avatar

    note to self

    tex is a spy for the govermint erik has a crush on snoopy
  9. Avatar

    good bye snoop

    Are you finally getting rid of your Stoopid auto-sig? That's really fly news mofo
  10. Avatar


    My favorite slang word is "jingus". I am anxious to know what the etymology is.
  11. Dude, that's beautiful.
  12. Oh, indeed. Cheers to the genius of mikeadam.
  13. For all those for whom Poop and Dwayner's pick-up lines don't work, you can take George's example below. CORRECTION: BUSH FAINTS AFTER CHOKING "THE" PRETZEL, NOT CHOKING "ON" PRETZELPresidential History Replete with Euphemisms for Staring at the Stars Washington, D.C.? White House spokesman Ari Fleischer today said a miscommunication with the President's medical staff inadvertently caused a report to circulate stating President Bush fainted after choking "on" a pretzel. The President, Fleischer said, actually fainted after choking "the" pretzel. "It's a simple mistake, and no, I'm not going to explain what it means," Fleischer said. WHAT WORLD LEADERS HAVE CALLED, YOU KNOW, IT: Abraham Lincoln:Addressing GettysburgGeorge Washington:Crossing the DelawareRichard Nixon:Begging my pardonMarie Antoinette:Having my cakeJulius Caesar:Rendering unto me what's mineBill Clinton:Hiring my own internMao Tse-Tung:The glorious revolutionHenry VIII:Meeting my lawfully headed wifeHannibal:Waxing the elephantWinston Churchill:Strengthening the Empire Doctors explained that episodes of fainting during such an activity are not unusual, but added the euphemism "choking the pretzel" appears to be new. However, according to presidential historian Michael Garvey-Hart, President Bush is most likely borrowing from one of his heroes, President Theodore Roosevelt, who often used the term "spanking the pretzel" to describe incidents in which he was tickling his teddy. While the vigorous Roosevelt was not known to have blacked out during his tenure, Garvey-Hart noted that fainting while staring at the stars is not at all uncommon, particularly among world leaders known for their hands-on styles. "In the 1980s, Great Britain's Prime Minister John Major once spent six hours in hospital after losing consciousness while noodling No. 10, and former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori was said to have spent three full days face down on the floor after paneling Machu Picchu," he said. As is likely to be the case with Bush, most such incidents have little impact on world events, but Doris Greyley, author of "Dishonorable Discharge: The Rise and Fall of Dictators," said many leaders in crisis have found themselves grabbing the veins of power at unpropitious times, often with disastrous results. "Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin was apparently quite fond of what he called 'pounding the peasant,' and he often suggested that his generals participate," said Greyley. "Unfortunately, he didn't explain the activity clearly, and his generals thought he was issuing a national policy directive." At other times, however, the practice has proven fortuitous. For many years, she said, it was thought President Kennedy's threat of war is what mitigated the Cuban missile crisis. But Greyley said documents brought to light with the fall of the Soviet Union show that Nikita Kruschev actually lost his nerve after passing out while cranking the Kremlin. And Greyley believes her research has cleared up another historical mystery. "You know the 18-minute gap on the Watergate tapes? That wasn't a gap," she said. "You can hear breathing."
  14. I didn't know Jay ate wanker. Yuck!
  15. You're just jealous.
  16. I'm afraid you're all wrong. A pitch is the distance between two belays. It is usually 60m OR LESS. I've encountered one that was a 25' traverse.
  17. I second that motion. But get rid of the gremlins?
  18. Put the axe behind your head, between the shoulder straps, when you begin to climb. If its ice tools, holster them.
  19. avatar I amgood green i had to have sopole fell in the creek skied up to dick's ridgethe snow it sucked that day. OH!now I buy new poles
  20. quote: Originally posted by crack addict: avy tar, never fear, while i was out fishing for doubt trout on roover river (downstream from dick's ridge) i noticed your pole floating past. i send it your way pronto. crackman Muy appriciato crackhombre. Wow, being on dick's ridge was sooo violent. I'm glad you didn't loose your pants.
  21. Whilst skiing with ru486 and crackhead I got stoned and dropped a pole into a creek. It's gone. I need to find replacement poles and WILL NOT get Life Links ever again. Any thoughts? I'm considering the idea that probe poles are not the answer to having a probe since they take too long to convert and they also don't pack as well as an expedition type pole. Poles that are easy to adjust when frozen would be nice.
  22. If you do know send my REAL avatar a pm. Whoever guesses it first is pretty observant.
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