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Seattle, WA, USA
headmasterjon_dup1's Achievements
Gumby (1/14)
That's a nice shot. Is that from Roosevelt or the smaller summit to the north of it? I skied across Snow Lake on July 4th this year !!! I think the slot couloir is visible on the north face of Snoqualmie. Here's to doing the Snoq Haute Route this winter! I think abbreviation a long word for what it really means. I think it should be just: dsfdj. Thank you. [ 11-21-2002, 08:14 PM: Message edited by: headmasterjon ]
Gun dan wan ba dan! Pi yan!
Ni hao Harry, Ni zai nar zai Zhongguo ma? Lijiang? To keep this on thread there was an adventure race (mild seven i think) in Lijiang a few years back. Zai Jian, Lei Zheng
Hey old dudes! You're kiddin' right? A route resume? Actually I do see value in something like that, in an "armchair" sort of way. I can find da info. for ya. There's some tight shizz around there. My X-C coach wrote the perfunctory Leavenworth Bouldering Guide. Hang on...
A pirate walks hobbles into a bar . He's got a patch over one eye, a hook in place of his right hand, and a peg-leg. He sits down at the bar. The bartender says, "Woah, buddy, what happened to you? What's with the hand?" Pirate replys, "Yaaar, that there's a hook. My ship boarded another on the high seas, and I killed 50 men before that bastard cut off me hand." Bartender says, "Wow, that's intense! What's with your leg?" Pirate: "Ohh that, well my ship was under attack, and during the cannon exchange, my leg was blown off." Bartender: "Amazing! That is wild! I have to ask though, what's with the eye patch?" Pirate: "Aaaa, Seagull." Bartender: "What? Seagull?" Pirate: "Ya, right after I got the hook."
Went to the N. Face of Vesper to climb the Weigelt Route. Simply decended waaaay to far down on the glacier and started way the fuck off route. We climbed in the 'largest depression' of the face as I think stated in Nelson. Anyway, it was good (in a way i guess) to get the shittiest 8-pitches of climbing I've ever experience out of the way. Our hideous route draged us over wet, thin slabs, into loose gullies for 8 pitches until we reached the N. Ridge and began 5-class heather climbing for 2 pitches after which we elevated above the horizon to bask in the glory of der alpenglow. 3 pitches of quality crack climbing finished the route up a gendarme and a traverse to the summit pyramid. We enjoyed the sunset and chated with a few nice fellows sleeping on top, waited for the full moon to rise 10 min. after the sun set, and descended the trail with no troubles. A 15 hour outing, ralaxing in many ways, scary, then pleasant again at the end. Next time I'll either bring just Beckey and not that crackpot Nelson, or visa-versa.
How bout the thought that we climb to introduce excitement and danger into our mundane lives. There is simply something magical about standing on top of a mountain with the world at your feet, with nothing above you but sky. As a highschool student, it rocks to be able to climb virtually when ever you want (during the summer) and frequently during the school year. Its also nice to get credit for writing about climbing and starting a climbing club etc... There are many great things about getting into climbing early, but one inconvience is the lack of climbers of the teenAGE. Perhaps a good thing, afterall, how much expereience do teenage climbers USUALLY have? Not enough to go solo or wif another neophyte. Me? I have no clue how many peaks I stood atop this year, maybe 50? But, for example, last weekend, after "putting up a new route on the N. Face of Vesper" (Getting way the fuck of route, eventually onto the N. Ridge) My buddy and I watched the sun go down, didn't even turn around to scramble 5 min. to the top, and kept traversing to the decent. In the full scope of things the summit was not 'paramount' to the success of our day in the mountains.
Sorry ladies , but this just might be what Colin is lookin' for: Q: What do you do when your dishwasher breaks? A: Slap her! Colin- here's anodda' humerous shenanigan If you've got a killer scottish accent this'll REALLY impress them. go for it. A big, ruddy, red-haired scotsman walks into a bar, sits down, orders a wisky, and drinks it queitly. All of a sudden, the scotsman slams his two large hands down on the bar and says, (all the time yelling in a heavy accent) "Ya see this baaar!?, I buiilt this baaar wit me own twoo hands. But do they call me 'Scot-y the bar builder'? NO! course NOT! Ya see that well out there!?, I duug that well alll by me-self. But do they call me 'Scot-y the well digger'? NO! course NOT! Ya see that baarn over there?!, I build that baarn wit me own skiilz. But do they call me 'Scot-y the carpenter' NO! course NOT! YA FUK ONE SHEEP...................." [ 09-09-2002, 10:34 PM: Message edited by: headmasterjon ]
I remember being snowed on, hard! atop the Grand in early August! Also I watched a guy on the free hanging rappel nearly burn the flesh on his hand down to the bone, because he and his buddy were timing each other down the rap. And then, to top it off a snaffle nibbled through our tent and aparently broke into a first-aid kit and downed some benadryls! All of this and I was but a wee babe of 12! I've seen the words: STRUCK BY LIGHTNING under GRAND TETON NATL. PARK in the Accidents in N.A. Mountaineering once at least every two years. KA-rasy! [ 08-29-2002, 08:56 PM: Message edited by: headmasterjon ]
2 days? Weeeeeaak! Go for < 24hrs. Talk to the Skooogs for me info. Bumbershoot's gonna' you out!
A 1-move dyno from the north side of the tall central tower to the slightly overhung north side of another wall wit da 'pull-up' rock. Pull with both hands (I like 'em crossed-up) and roll, push with right foot to launch like an AStROnaut to grab/cling/hug/straddle da 'pull-up' rock And gently meet the opposite wall ...Just 1 thought
Nice! Well done Tele! Nothing like a little electric storm to get you 'charged' to make the summit, eh! Did you encounter any ice en route?
What's your favorite sport climb?
headmasterjon_dup1 replied to Dr_Flash_Amazing's topic in Climber's Board
I've clipped a few bolts on the Grand. Izat considered "rock gymnastics" -
Sure is! Check out Damian Potts' "Leavenworth Bouldering: A Perfunctory Guide" and don't miss the 'about the author' blub. Hilarious! And, all the bouldering around Leavenworth is not up the 'pop'cicle, there's some up the Mountain Home Road too. I've seen some large rocks with potential on the north side of Granite Mtn. as well. And nothing is "uglee" when set beside the concrete monolith of Huskie stadium (a quality multipitch buildering route...) Da Rock is jizmastic! I've been climbin' on that thing since I was twoo, firing up the slab in diapers! So, next time you think about dissin da Rock, think twice! Because it was the first outdoor climbing wall ever built!