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Everything posted by Dave_Schuldt

  1. Dave_Schuldt

    DC Madam

    Busted! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/07/09/AR2007070902030.html Pass the popcorn, this will be good.
  2. Anyone interested for next Tuesday?
  3. Dave_Schuldt


    You'll be singing a different song if you get "COVERAGE DENIED"
  4. Dave_Schuldt


    Great flick! I almost cried during the Cuban part. Makes me proud to be an American when some Commie country can provide the care that we can't. Guy has knack for publicity stunts. As for Moore, that boy is fat. He's got to start taking care of himself or he will need to go some place with free medical care. GO SEE IT!
  5. Here's the deal. Someday you will grow up, get married, have kids, get divorced and so on... You will want to protect you little ones so you will move to some cookie cuter burb in hopes of "safety" and "good" schools with less of those "bad" kids. You will then join a mega church and renounce you foolish younger days in the city. Another reason for moving is less expensive housing; thus forcing you to drive 2 hours to work every day. Have fun. And yes the burbs are lame, I grew up in one outside of Cincinati Ohio.
  6. They have a deck outside.
  7. Having to look across the lake at the shit hole known as Seattle. Seattle's a great place to visit, or even work. But unless you're a sewer rat, it just doesn't rate as a place to live. That shit is solid gold! I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard... thanks KK! Hey KK: when you travel outside of Washington do you say you are from Bellevue or Seattle? And if you say Bellevue how many people say "where is that"? I think Bellvue is a mental hospital in NYC.
  8. Where's the Prost?
  9. Great parade! Lots of flesh, great music and cool floats. Jumped in for a few when the hoops came by. Maybe next year I'll go naked.
  10. http://fremontartscouncil.org/events_solstice.html
  11. Anyone interested? Where?
  12. Relax, they will just change the rules. But maybe they will have to go to congress again, should be interesting.
  13. Clasic Bushie. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/6/1/11540/63349 This guy is just what this fat country needs, a nice distraction from reality.
  14. I never said it was going to work. Public opinion is a funny thing...
  15. This whole thing will be tossed out. I bet the ACLU plan is to keep it going long enough to make Boeing look bad and think twice before doing such things again. Remember, they sell planes to Arabs. Nothing can scare the shit out of a big company like bad publicity.
  16. FYI I just got back from a WTA weeklong at Domke Lake. Tons of downed trees, we got up to 4,000 feet on the Emerald Park Trail. Better check w/ FS before planing trips in the area. WTA has some more trips in the area and the FS will have a small crew in the area all summer. Full extent of damage isn't know yet. Bring a saw and be careful.
  17. Dave_Schuldt

    Le Parkour

    There was a cool article in the New Yorker a few months ago.
  18. http://rawstory.com/news/2007/Bush_meets_with_Dobson_Christian_right_0514.html So WTF, why would he turn to such a nut case to advise him on national policy? Oh yeah, he needs a blessing from Jesus before killing people. Fuck.
  19. GO FOR IT! Who rides, how often and how far. Me, every day 1 1/2 miles each way.
  20. Got to keep those defense contractors happy. WHAT A FUCKING WASTE!
  21. Can't keep track of them all? This link should help http://www.slate.com/id/2165783/ Bets on what's next?
  22. Snow is melting and things are looking grim. 2 days of work on FS land gets you a yearly pass. http://wta.org/~wta/cgi-bin/wtaweb.pl?0+fp They also have info on road and trail conditions.
  23. http://www.pbs.org/moyers/journal/index-flash.html Great show last night, tells it like it is. Fuck the pundits.
  24. This is a link to a story that made the TV news. My parents live in one the buildings. Fortunatly they rent, the management is totaly lame http://www.nbc6.net/news/12646883/detail.html?taf=ami BTW most of the condos arn't worth a milinon any more. Anyone else have one?
  25. Dave_Schuldt


    TORTURE TIME!!! http://www.crooksandliars.com/2007/04/22/torboto-the-robot-that-tortures-people/
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