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Everything posted by allthumbs

  1. hey dumb ass - I've NEVER made a pedophilia reference...ever. I've NEVER threatened to kill anybody or use a gun on anybody. Do a search; you'll see. I talk about guns, and 18 and older sex and politics and shit, but nothing that could get me in trouble with the fuzz. FDA on the other hand..... hell, his last post sounds like he's advocating, well, you can read it for yourself. I'm sure the secret service will be interested in it.
  2. Yep asshole, this one's gettin' emailed to the White House. You're going down commie fuka, one way or the other.
  3. There's really nothing wrong with liberals. They do seem to be quite misguided and most are drunks, but hell we can't all be conservatives now can we? I say there's room in this world for all but the communists like you know who.
  4. hey Flash bwahahahaha
  5. "everybody outta own one"
  6. you're fucking drunk, again aren't ya?
  7. In Dr. Flash Amazing's esteemed opinion, "Bush sucks dead donkey dicks." True, AlpineK said it first, but honestly, his words really embrace the subtle nuances of just how much George Bush, Jr. sucks, and there's really no way to state it better. Thanks, AK! Flash, you're just a slimy little communist twinkle toed cock-sucker.
  8. Hey Formaldehead, what are you, a fucking comedian? You're a puke. You're the lowest form of life on earth. You're not even a human fucking being. You're nothing but an unorganized grab-asstic piece of amphibian shit. Your days of finger banging old Mary Jane rotten crotch through her pretty pink panties are over.
  9. A Darrington tarheal and his new bride were on their honeymoon. The husband jumps into bed to wait for his wife to get herself ready. The wife comes out of the bathroom in a sexy negligee and says "Honey, I have something to tell you. I'm a virgin." The man grabs his clothes and rushes out of the house yelling at the top of his lungs. He heads straight to his fathers house. When he gets there, his father says, "Son, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on your honeymoon." The son says, "Dad, my new wife told me a big secret of hers. She's a virgin." "Damn son. You did the right thing by leaving. If she wasn't good enough for her family, she sure as hell isn't good enough for ours!"
  10. never was into duplos
  11. Screw you buttlips. I hooked it all back up again. Btw, I run two computers off a router. Blow one and I can still call you a moron. Bwahahahaha
  12. I'll put this to rest. Waited till 8AM, called three different computer stores/builders/service centers and they all said go for it. They all said it's way cleaner and I'll have much less dust build-up. They said to leave the one in the power supply. So I unhooked the big offender and now the CPU is half again quieter. Works for me.
  13. I pulled the sides. The offensive fan is the big fucker. Noisy as hell. It looks easy to unplug, just a connector. If I don't use this and leave the smaller fan on the power supply, I'll probably be alright...correct? (assuming I don't spill beer on it - I feed a cat but it's an outside mouser only) The Cpu sits up off the floor and has unimpeded air flow and a clean room. This thing is really only used for Porn and spraying at cc
  14. I'm tired of hearing the fan. If I remove the sides of the cpu allowing full air, can I permanently unhook the noisy fan?
  15. well, I'm an agent, but I guess I'm technically a salesman
  16. Since you're so opinionated and I'm mildly (yawn) curious, what do you do for a living genius?
  17. that wasn't nice to call me asseyes, butt douche
  18. are you drunk?
  19. Hey dumbasses, all I was saying was that the Hollyweird actors will get no more of my money. Just doing my part to be a good American. You choads should try it sometime. Idiots
  20. real wimmin? goddamn!!!! finally a man other than trask that prefers to get drunk with wimmin rather than gumbies, goobers and bullshit artists. hope ya get lucky doood.
  21. that's a pretty broad statement. you base this on what? - something you heard on the boob tube. hahaha, btw, you're drooling.
  22. trask should i post 1 of your odd 7000 or so negative posts? I find it odd that as I'm mellowing and becoming more desirable with age, many of you are becoming hotheaded and hostile. I suggest you take vacations and perhaps try yoga to curb these hostilities and negative vibes. You especially Erik, seem to be out of control lately. For you, a few days at my sheep ranch might be just what the doctor ordered. Think about it friends, you all need to calm down.
  23. you people have bad attitudes - why is that?
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