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Everything posted by Dr.E
i trust tg's assessment of le dru.
i caught that immediately tg. wassup wit dat? i'm sure bonzo will is already back on under another psuedonym and will slowly work his way back into oblivion.
tg, did you get my email? i've never tried off a link here before you so i'm wondering if it went through. Lots o' fresh in your area? e
Yeah, this is the perk. And it should be encouraging to all that he can find love. she is a hottie and climbs. not bad traits in a wo, wo, wo go make me a sandwich man. Another note: Have you done any route development around Palouse Falls?
tg are you affiliated with the brew pub in enterprise? that is the best in the west man! ipa, and your seasonal. i wish it wasn't so far from everywhere. btw, what is the ski touring situation in the wallowas on a normal year? is it worth the drive down from pullman? tips and tricks? e
REI has been going the way of Eddie B. and Sears for years. The deal is, the business is a cooperative run by a member-elected board of directors. I bet most of us toss that junk mail and don't vote for the board, much less consider running (I assume most readers are members since back in the day when they did have good stuff in stock). I usually do. If we don't like the way things are going we should vote for a board that directs the business the direction we would like. Or we should run for the board--many of us are professionals that would qualify. It is easier to bitch though. The kitschy krap (and there is FAR too much-witness all the junk marked down and in the attic) is necessary to keep the average margins high enough so we can still see climbing and sking gear in the place. The problem is, the board of directors and management doesn't see fit to stock real gear anymore. You have to buy it online if you want it from REI and even then they are often "out of stock" on popular stuff. I couldn't even find a fleece jacket for my teenaged daughter (who climbs and skis, etc) last week at the "flagship" the day BEFORE thanksgiving. Nice inventory folks. The 1939 founders opened the store to import and provide a place to purchase gear that outdoorspeople couldn't otherwise get in the states at the time. Sadly, the earlier author is correct in that we are forced to go "offshore (read: online)" once again over 60 years after the inception of the "Co-op". Gotta get me some of those candle holders though.
Why don't you post a couple just so they aren't disappointed? Or maybe naked pix of capt. caveman on the tooth labeled as rachel would do the job. he likely has a guiness margarita recipe too.
dude, I heard you dissed the "ever abrasive Andy Perkins" in the guide. Considering a boycott on that basis alone. Did you hear he is getting married in the spring?
Can I report on my epic descent and forced spooning umm, I mean bivy from N. Ridge of Stewart? It was a long time ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
z, yeah, with the wind. However, once a coug always a coug and that degree came first. better undergrad education at WSU than UW. Better grad education at UW. You may have heard of me referred to by my psuedonym "Prince of the Palouse." But now, I am the artist formerly known as Prince of the Palouse. Actually I don't watch much football. Believe life is to be lived, not watched. I'll likely go for a run or something during the game as it is too wet to climb or anything better. In lieu of living, reading stupid internet bulletin boards will do. dru dude, what is up with that interjection? you been spending too much time in the hut at muir? I mean, if you must say something, at least make it germane to the topic.
W- Cool, but don't tell me you don't know the folks I'm talking about. Chances are, most of the people at the Apple Cup watching parties tomorrow did not graduate from UW. btw, i have a degree from both schools so I kinda go both ways. I just get annoyed by bandwagon jumpers. I hear the PLU team is doing well this year and they have a big game tomorrow against Whitworth. Wouldn't have expected a guy with "W" as online moniker to not have gone there though. Nice early grab.
No response? Are all of you nuetered dawgs? Or did the "I live in Seattle so I must be a Husky logic ring too true." Not bad Dru. I might even say "pithy."
I'd like to know how many of you die hard huskies are graduates of UW or the usual Central grads that couldn't get in to Huskiville because you spent too much time smokin out at the muir hut during highschool. At least cougar fans ARE cougars, not dawg wannabes.
Well dudes, I've got pix of me back in the day in purple grape-smugglers. And my confession is that I gave those bad boys to a younger hardman because he climbed harder than me in them and they were getting so tight they cut off the circulation around the hardware if you know what I mean. Perhaps my biggest transgression, however, is that I secretly long for the pre-lycra era when Watts (and watts-wanna-bes like me) wore surplus camo pants at Smith. High top purple sportivas heralded the entry of pink tiger-striped lycra. With Kauk contending that "John Wayne never wore lycra," some of us adhered to tradition--rugby shirts (rubber buttons were de reguier (sp?) and you often misplaced your forearm dipping for chalk in those deep bags. We argued about chalk, colored chalk, bolts, pinkpoints versus redpoints, you know, silly stuff that we've moved beyond. Ahh, those were the days. Progress is inevitable I guess. Look how far we've come.
I've had good luck with Edelweiss Stratos too. I've had a couple three 10.5's over 20 years of climbing amidst several other single ropes and they are the best. Not always easy to find in configuration (size, length, color, dry/non) desired and way expensive. But I would always go for them given other things being equal. They handle well, don't kink as easy, don't fuzz up to 14mm, and the dry treatment is great (and it doesn't get all black from biner rub like some ropes either). No, I don't rep for them. Just like em. Go for it.
"In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything left to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away." --Saint Exupery
I'm generally in agreement with the notion of limiting bolts in some places (e.g., Snow Creek Wall) while using bolts liberally in others (e.g., faces at Vantage). I am, however, uncomfortable with turning over the decision as to when and where bolts are appropriate to individuals. Who gets to draw the line in the sand? What if I don't agree with their decisions. Caveman is right, we can't stop him. That is the troubling part, unless we have some sort of consensus building, we can't stop anyone from doing whatever they feel like doing. That isn't how civilization works. Hmmm...Caveman? Nevermind.
I did Remorse start variation last week on Outer Space and gobied out on the sandbag 5.7 pitch! I went out on the face right to avoid chimney though and had to powerjam back left over a block that is probably a grunge crawl behind it. Great traverse on second pitch! Highly recommend over the regular start. More good climbing to two tree ledge.
Cave, Right on dude! Spew on those wussies! Make sure you remove the fixed gear too while on OS. Heck, take out those old fixed pins too. We are more enlightened now than Fred and his crew so we should act as such. I think I've seen you at the crag--the only one climbing naked without shoes right? Just funnin' man. Aside: Do any of you guys have a job? Or is it just one that keeps you in front of a computer on a day like today instead of climbing?
Anybody got recent condition beta on Sunshine rt., Wy,East, or Sandy Gl. headwall? Wondering whether either would be worth climbing in the near future or would there be too little snow in spots to make any of these routes unsafe/unenjoyable.