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Everything posted by leearden

  1. Marty, Now that the real you is back, could you please go "brokeback kiteflying" with BLOWboarder so that he can stop trying sooooo desperately and publicly to get a date with you? Sorry Norman, don't despair, it's just that your stock has plummeted since you didn't send jack-shit at Maple. Also I think I saw that BLOWboarder is ranked higher than you on 8a.nu. JEALOUS???
  2. p.s. I also like your website. thanks for sharing
  3. Well, it's been 13 days since this last post and I guess we're all still a little shocked. To see him typing words like this is just so... odd, out of character, .......positive? I can't remember the last time I heard him so exuberant and positive. I seem to remember him uttering a couple positive words after he bought his first snowmobile last year, but nothing like this. It's as if my world has turned upside down. What could have been the catylist for such a character altering change? Are we to see him around town helping old ladies across the street? it boggles the mind. cheers to the new you congratulations dad. love arden
  4. BLOWBOARDER SPOTTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the longest time I thought he was just a myth, sending electronic messages of spray to the world from a secret lair in the basement of the pentagon, but now I've actually SEEN him!!!! The other night, out at McLellen, as I was wandering around scrubbing off tick marks, I heard something in the crack cave. Following the sounds I set up my camera and got this shot of him, shattering my theory that he is just another fictional character pervading our media. After he sent the problem, I had a word with him whereupon he informed me that the crack I had thought was 5.11, was actually only 5.10. Furthermore he said that he had added a sit start, and renamed the problem "Hands across McLellen", F.A. by Blowboarder. Didn't seem fair to me, but I guess that's how they do in Sandpoint. Whatever So, for all you E WA cyber-climbers who've doubted the existence of N ID climbers, I tell you... they're for real. Also, if you value your resume', and the glory of all your FA's, get your ass dirty and climb them again before some scurvy redneck comes to steal your spotlight.
  5. ok, just one more...
  6. H. O. R. Take Francis West out of town, past 5mile, past 7mile, and turn left at 9mile dam onto Charles Road. Travel 5 miles, then take a right (downhill), onto South Bank Road. Follow South Bank Road for 8 miles, along which the road turns to gravel. As the road forks twice, stay left. Look for Brown Riverside State park signs designating Fisk Day Use area. 50 feet North of the first brown sign is the ivy bouldering area. bouldering only. To find routes and more bouldering drive past the brown sign, (staying left). Drive up a rocky 2-rut hill and continue until you see obvious boulders to climb on. To be legal park within 40 feet of the road. Wander around until you find something cool to climb. Bouldering can be found on both sides of the road, but all routes are on the North side of the road. Shady? Yes Moderates? Yes Stop by Mountain Goat Outfitters on Sprague and Division for published directions to the individual cliffs. p.s. blowboarder, put the keyboard down and come see the bouldering for yourself. I'm a climber, not a photographer love, arden
  7. directly behind the laser cut slab that "OLD POLE" is climbing lies "Fists of Fury", a 15 foot fist crack at 45degrees overhanging. And just behind that is the bunker where we lay waiting with gopher rifles for those crank- monkeys to come back. Once I caught some o' dem damned blacktoothed, hillbilly, sumbitches tryin to steal the change out of the ashtray in my chevellle, swear to god i did. lucky for them I'm a coward, but next time Donny sez he'll drive his pick-up so he'll have his brasss-knuckles
  8. what about the old school principal you ask?
  9. he's sooo BIG here brett shows us "the evolving nature of flakes" and the head WOUND cave
  10. or this? http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/503/744Image034.jpg[image/]
  11. bear with me, I'm trying to make these bigger
  12. after the Flying j, you could try this
  13. roger, thanks I notice they came up after a few minutes. only had one of bad suffix.
  14. upon trying to upload my pictures onto the gallery, I'm informed that they can't read my format. the end of the address ends in .jpeg , so what gives? please help me or else the rest of the world may never know how trite our climbing is over here in E-WA thanks arden
  15. Well, since pindude has already ruined a perfectly good acrimonious song-fest and rerouted it to actual conversation, I'll spare you my rendition of Camptown races. p.s. yesterday I didn't realize the other Steve climbing at McLellen rocks was the Steve Reams(sp?) that has been opening new routes. If I had have known, I would have certainly thanked you for the effort. thanks steve ap
  16. Road Bike? picture?
  17. Thanks again for your efforts Andy, I've forwarded the information to Bob. It seems that R.H. Factor is NOT on Bob's property, neither is the bouldering area (Third Canyon) directly east of his property. His property line begins (385 feet) uphill and east of the painted rock boulder, and continues east including the meadow adjacent to the highway, it ends at the first ridgeline that approaches the highway east of Bob's meadow (he doesn't own the third canyon bouldering area but does own the popular trail marked by cairns that we use to access it). I hope I've shed some light on the subject, but I fear i've muddied it. arden
  18. Yes, the "No Trespassing" sign directly east of the Painted Rocks area is for real. On my last bouldering visit, the landowner whose name is Bob, watched me walk past his No Trespassing sign and onto his property to climb. He was rightfully offended that i'd disregarded his sign. Luckily, he seemed extraordinarily understanding of my plight, and he did not forbid me from returning. He did ask that I telephone him prior to any return visits, and that I not advertise the area or promote any increased climber traffic. As I understood Bob's concerns (in order of importance): -Bob was concerned about legal liability should anyone be injured, and therefore didn't specifically permit climbing on his property -Bob did not want to infringe on anyone's communion with nature -Bob did not want people tromping disrespectfully around his property (he mentioned litter, unauthorized trail cairns, and that someone had smashed the bleached skull of a rodent carcus that had remained untouched in the same place for some time) I estimated to Bob that perhaps 15 climbers regularly commune and search for Zen in this area, which seemed reasonable and non-threatening to him. I told him how much i appreciated using his property, and that I would pick up trash and encourage others to do the same while climbing there. I cannot speak for Bob's wishes toward other climbers, but he was real cool cat to me, please treat him and his property with respect. thank you arden leave no trace
  19. Thanks for the trail work at the bend. I'm interested in Onion creek though, I got up there this spring and got on one of the best crack pitches I've seen in Washington, it had a sawed-off tree at about mid-height, was this the Birthday crack? Is the 5.12 route the one with the off-widthing for the first 30 feet? Interested in any beta you could throw out here for me. thanks arden
  20. I love the old style L S boulders (you remember the pink/light grey shoes that evolved into the dark charcoal/light grey shoes) but I rarely come across them since they were discontinued to make the new L S boulders. If you have a pair of these approach shoes in your closet, or if you know someone who might, I'd love to get my feet into those stinky old dinosaurs. Plea$$$e Help me out
  21. I like the direction this thread is heading, we all (all of us that read the climbing rags) know what could happen if we keep being childish and insulting each other, --Dishman could become enjoyed even less by us all. Maybe this is all cyber-bs and will blow over, but I'd like to talk to some people sooner than later. If we keep on pushing each other's buttons for another month when the REI meeting takes place with " the man" (land owners, city authorities, whoever)in attendance, things might go south fast. I'll go climbing out there on Monday or Tuesday evening after work (5 or 6pm), Dane will be in town so we can all do some pitches and talk some shit in person. The hardmen will probably be resting from their weekend trips to somewhere cool, so maybe tuesday (july 27) is better? when can YOU make it? Monday or Tuesday
  22. dane, since you've chosen to delete my opinion/post on your bbs that: your arrogance in describing climbs you may or may not have climbed first as "your creation", speaks volumes about your personality. I've met plenty of arrogant sport climbers with this same affliction ( some of whom you like to unfairly portray on your unfairly edited bbs ) but you take the cake. Your climbing skills do not give you the right to take possession of a particular route or crag, and that's what this is all about right? You feel you own routes you think you did first. you think you are justified in further degradation/vandalism by chopping aberrent ethics into your own definition of what is right. I look forword to meeting you, picking up garbage with you, climbing with you, and having a fair conversation with you where you can't delete my replies next week at Dishman. p.s. Grady is my buddy and for you to imply otherwise and libel him with this childish subject title further shows your overbearing attitude, megalomaniacal climbing ethic, and low class
  23. Share some beta on the Forbidden-Torment Traverse? Is there anything crucial we'd want to know? Any spray will be appreciated, thanks
  24. leave no trace? Would the authors of THE FREEDOM OF THE HILLS approve of summit refuse? They wrote a book they must know something. I don't know them. They were leaving no trace when I was in diapers tickmarkskill
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